The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I'm not sure, although I just thought I would say, I've heard some terrible things about UNITE! :s-smilie:
Reply 2
Yes I know that but its more the management team at the halls rather than UNITE as a whole.
Reply 3
I got through my first year with mine, nobody bothered me, and I had no room inspection, so I was ok
Reply 4
Hide it if you have a room inspection:wink:
I had one in my room, nobody ever said anything to me... I'd go off on a rant about Unite, but it's late, I'm tired, and it's all been said before.
Reply 6
When i looked around a unite owned accommodation at my uni the lad who showed me round had a fridge in his room.
Reply 7
Unite may allow you a mini-fridge but will insist on keeping your room bond that is worth more than the fridge itself.

If the Unite staff are negligent and fail to secure the building and it gets vandalised, they will charge all residents for the damage as they did to us.
I've had mine throughout my first year. No one has said anything to me about it. :smile: