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Reply 1
polishing the broomstick is nothing to be worried about, its ace, i love doing it. although saying that as i have a gf ive found i do it less often but before it was about twice a day. dont sweat, youll be fine, you dont REALLY go blind :wink:
Reply 2
nowt physically wrong with it mate :biggrin:
except, dnt fall into the pattern of the comfort of the handcream and the broadband connection. its get too easy and in the end u get in a rut where its difficult to meet women, so u fall back on the easy self gratification of a simple fiddle....
but if ur not at that stage knock urself out. that only happens when ur like 40 and a loser
Nothing unusual about that. From the guys I've spoken to about it, up to 4 times a day seems to be quite normal. And it's in no way harmful or anything, quite the opposite, so if it makes you feel better, carry on...
Reply 4
The only thing you should probably worry about is causing strain to the shaft. If you’re finding that it starts to hurt or is becoming increasingly red, then think about using more lubrication and possibly doing it less.
Reply 5
Heehee 'the shaft'. :biggrin: Isn't there a song that goes with that movie called shaft? And they keep saying Shaft! ever so often, that always makes me think of, you know...shafts ahahahaha! But I'm sorry I don't mean to digress, I think you're normal, maybe you're a bit sexually frustrated I guess but that's nothing sinister and like I always say: if it feels good, do it! Nothing wrong with it mate :smile:
Sparm uses zinc to produce. So if you're releasing a lot, make sure you're getting enough zinc in your diet. Can lead to mild depression.
Its not "unusual", theres no written rule about how much a guy should masturbate, and I bet theres a helluva load of people who do it more than you do! :P
Dont worry about it!
There was a study carried out that showed that men who masturbated regularly were 30% less likely to get prostate cancer.
(Yup, its causal too. Don't ask me how, something to do with flushing out carcinogens or something I don't know!!)
Depends on your reasons for it, personally i think its best to masturbate twice a week, thats not due to low sex drive I cant really be bothered to justify it right now its just what works for me, besides I find waiting for it makes it feel so much better than trying to stimulate yourself all the time.

But being with a person is better, I find masturbation makes me too lazy to seek other people sometimes hence I try to restrict myself.
Reply 10
OP, it's the summer holidays and we're all bored and have nothing else to do... what do you expect, lol.

Try and get a girlfriend though, 2 people is so much better than one. You'll be missing out if you just rely on your own company.

OP, it's the summer holidays and we're all bored and have nothing else to do... what do you expect, lol.

Try and get a girlfriend though, 2 people is so much better than one. You'll be missing out if you just rely on your own company.

Well said
dont do it to much though or your netherod is going to be like a stick of Ruhbarb
Reply 13
Also, you want to mix it up a little. If you get too used to your own hand, you may lose your sensitivity to the variety of wonderful sexual activities that are out there.
OP, it's the summer holidays and we're all bored and have nothing else to do... what do you expect, lol.

That's exactly what I was going to say :p:.

It's free, fun and good for you, and you've got all the equipment you need with you at all times - it's the ultimate leisure activity! :biggrin:
Reply 15
dude i was the same when i was like 14/15, then you get older, you have sex and it cuts down. im not in a relationship at the mo, so i knock one out every few days, but thats only partly because im so bussy. if i wasnt, it would be more.:wink:
OP, it's fine, honestly.

I'm a girl and I occasionally do it 2-3 times a day. If I'm horny, or bored, or both.
If the feeling takes you, go for it. :wink:
Reply 17
Don't worry about it, sometimes I do it more than that but as long as it's not unfun to do I suppose it's ok. And can people please stop saying "get a girlfriend," the OP might be gay or here's a thought, YOU CAN'T BUY GIRLS from a shop.
Reply 18
Don't worry about it, sometimes I do it more than that but as long as it's not unfun to do I suppose it's ok. And can people please stop saying "get a girlfriend," the OP might be gay or here's a thought, YOU CAN'T BUY GIRLS from a shop.

You can’t? ^o) ... Shucks!

EDIT: Also, only two or three out of 19 posts have recommend he get a girlfriend.
Reply 19
OP, it's fine, honestly.

I'm a girl and I occasionally do it 2-3 times a day. If I'm horny, or bored, or both.
If the feeling takes you, go for it. :wink:

I asked that question and the moderator, I think deleted my post! I just wanted to know weather it was true or not, and its not cause I want to do that thing anyways, I find it disgusting

your a female, how can you do that ? you don’t have a male sex part??

moderator if you delete my post, can you at least explain why. as far as I am concerned I have not broken no rules.