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Reply 1
no but i would tell the friend that i knew and that they should tell them
Reply 2
threaten them say if you don't tell them i will!!

i hate secret i dunt have them i think they are the same as lies, in fact they are lies!! lol!!
Reply 3
no its not your place to tell them but id speak with the one whos cheating!
Reply 4
If you knew that one of your friends had cheated on, or is cheating on their partner, would you tell the partner? If you were friends, or aquaintances, or didnt know them at all..?

No! I might talk to the friend about it, but I wouldn't try to break them up. It's between them.

On the other hand, if my friend was being cheated on by someone I didn't know I'd probably tell them.
I wouldnt get involved, you might end up with both hating you!
Best to stay out of these kind of situations in my experience.
Reply 6
Who do I know – the cheater, the person being cheated on, or both?

If I only knew one party then I would tell (or at least hint at it), but if I knew both, I would probably discuss it with the person doing the cheating, or maybe talk with whoever I knew better (am better friends with).
Reply 7
Yeah, I know its not a good idea to tell them. I dont know the person that well anyway. I just hate knowing this! I feel like I have some kind of moral obligation...
Reply 8
blackmail em, you know that dress youve ALWAYS wanted to wear? <banks on poster being female>
If you knew that one of your friends had cheated on, or is cheating on their partner, would you tell the partner? If you were friends, or aquaintances, or didnt know them at all..?

it depends! if it was in the past then id keep my mouth shut, if iwas an ongoing thing and I knew FOR sure then id drop hints.

in general it is best to stay out of it.
Reply 10
Andrzej S.
Who do I know the cheater, the person being cheated on, or both?

If I only knew one party then I would tell (or at least hint at it), but if I knew both, I would probably discuss it with the person doing the cheating, or maybe talk with whoever I knew better (am better friends with).

Both, but not closely.
Thing is, I'm not even supposed to know, someone else told me. Which means I cant confront them about it.
I just feel sorry for the person thats being cheated on.... they have a right to know but I have a feeling they never will. And this horrible cheating witch wont get what she deserves :mad:
Reply 11
Both, but not closely.
Thing is, I'm not even supposed to know, someone else told me. Which means I cant confront them about it.
I just feel sorry for the person thats being cheated on.... they have a right to know but I have a feeling they never will. And this horrible cheating witch wont get what she deserves :mad:

So how do you know one is cheating on the other? You say you were told &#8211; can you be sure that it&#8217;s not just hearsay?
Reply 12
Both, but not closely.
Thing is, I'm not even supposed to know, someone else told me. Which means I cant confront them about it.
I just feel sorry for the person thats being cheated on.... they have a right to know but I have a feeling they never will. And this horrible cheating witch wont get what she deserves :mad:

Out of curiosity, do you fancy the cheating witch's boyfriend?
Reply 13
I was told by the girls best friend, I know its true. It was only a matter of time before I something like this happened, she is not exactly a saint.
I dont fancy the guy, haha, I just have strong views on this sort of thing.
Reply 14
lol ok.
Reply 15
No, im in that situation with a friend of mine, and im keeping stum. I told her if anyone was gonna tell him (her bf) it should be her.
Reply 16
Hmm... it&#8217;s hard to say what would be the best plan of action to take. You&#8217;ve been told the one is cheating on the other, you don&#8217;t know either that well, but you want something to be done.

One thing I think you should remember is that you were told by the best friend of the cheater. You&#8217;ve not seen her cheating on her boyfriend, and don&#8217;t really have any evidence. When it comes down to it, it&#8217;s the rumours that she&#8217;s not a saint, and your word against hers.

You don&#8217;t know the person being cheated on that well, but would you like to become friends with him? By telling him, it could make him trust you more and want to become your friend.

Also, while you don&#8217;t know them too well so shouldn&#8217;t worry about what they think, would your own friends be against the idea of telling the boyfriend that he is being cheated on? If you involve yourself, it may have repercussions on you which you should be aware of.
Reply 17
If I was friends with the person being cheated on, I think I would them, especially if I was more friendly with them than with their partner. I don't think I would just outright tell them though. I'd say to the person that I knew, and that they should tell their partner or I would. Assuming I knew it happened for certain, that is.
Reply 18
Out of curiosity, do you fancy the cheating witch's boyfriend?

Cheating witch????

You really do belong in another era:eek:

Cheating hurts, don't know if i would like to know though?

I certainly couldn't tell on anyone , although may drop hints to the cheated on *one*:s-smilie:
Reply 19
If the person being cheated on was my friend, then i'd tell them, if it was my friend doing the cheating, ill tell them what i thought about it (its wrong and unfair etc). And if i knew both, i dont know what i'd do, i guess i would talk to the one whos cheating first.