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Reply 1
I dont get your drift.

Your friends are your friends. Who cares how succesful they are and how big they're penis/tits are.

Sort it out.
Reply 2
I know what you mean, kinda - I feel a bit embarassed about my poxy 20-odd friends on MySpace (and I've had it more than a year, so it's not even like I have an excuse!) when most people are nearer 100 or more! I have more friends on Facebook, nearly 100, but it doesn't really bother me, 'coz if you feel you've got good friends it doesn't matter! A lot of people make up their friend numbers through randomers anyway, people they might have seen in passing at school or something, so it doesn't really mean much!
Reply 3
i agree with bedshaped, dont worry about anyone elses lives.

anyway they probably dont speak to half of em anyway, i know i have a few 'acquaintances' that i rarely speak to but add them because they went to my school.

its a silly worry, stop it.
Oh I know it aint rational I felt a twinge of it though. Personally I think it's bull**** to have 100+ friendships that mean nothing.
I know what you mean, kinda - I feel a bit embarassed about my poxy 20-odd friends on MySpace (and I've had it more than a year, so it's not even like I have an excuse!) when most people are nearer 100 or more! I have more friends on Facebook, nearly 100, but it doesn't really bother me, 'coz if you feel you've got good friends it doesn't matter! A lot of people make up their friend numbers through randomers anyway, people they might have seen in passing at school or something, so it doesn't really mean much!

very true. i know a girl who has thousands of friends, but random people who she doesn't know and will never know add her because of her profile picture.

other people add random people, for example i was added by some guy who i had never heard of but went to the same school as me, and when i asked him why he added me he said it was because he felt like adding anyone and everyone he could find :p:
They will most likely be collecting online friends, and will have not spoken to the majority of them for a good 10 years. There are more important things to worry about than goddamned Facebook friendcounts
Reply 7
When someone has 200 or 300 people on their Facebook, it’s unlikely they’ll know each person really well and be great friends with them all.

The most important thing is to have friends you like to be around, that care for you (and you care for them), and that’s pretty much it. It doesn’t matter that they may not be successful, may be poor or have been brought up on a council estate, or whatever their circumstance or downfall compared to other people on Facebook, but the fact is they are your friends for a reason, and how you view them is all that matters.
Facebook is exactly that....its an online website which doesnt really matter in real life.
Like you said, your real friends offline are whats more important.
Dont let other peoples online lives get you down :smile:
Reply 9
Most people are attention whores. I've had loads of people wanting to add me as 'friends' just because they've said one word to me and that's been it. I don't add people unless I have actually had a few convos with them and will be in contact in the future. The people with hundreds, thousands of mates probably don't really know them and are just desperate really.
just bear in mind that half of peoples friends on facebook are people they've said Hi to once in a lecture at uni, or merely do the same course as in many cases.

it hardly means that they have wild parties with all 200 each week!
Reply 11
i really would have one amazing friend then 100 excuses of friends.
At the end of the day it is only facebook.
Reply 13
I find it kinda weird when people from school who you never speak to add be fair, I have added several people who I've only spoken to occasionally, or 'coz they're in a class with me, even if we never speak, but part of that's because it was our last year of school and I figured it was good to add everyone from my year for keeping in touch purposes. A kid from the year below added me and I couldn't understand it at all - not only had we never spoken, I wouldn't have recognised him, it's not even like I talk to his friends, so I was like, why dude, why?! At least have spoken a word to someone before you add them!
I know the feeling, it makes me feel really down. People seem to have all these photos of them tagged, loads of comments on them, loads of wall posts yet I don't really have that.
Reply 15
i really would have one amazing friend then 100 excuses of friends.

Sorry I just wanted to quote this because I agree :smile:
Reply 16
Someone once told me that if you have more 'real' friends than you have fingers on one hand then you are a lucky person.
Also someone I didn't even know mailed me a friend request on facebook, I think people are boosting their numbers with total strangers.......curiouser & curiouser......x
I have bloody hundreds of facebook friends, and you're all quite right that most of them mean jack-all as real friendships. I have maybe 50 or so from my old school, who it's nice to see how they're doing, and maybe message once in a while, but only maybe five or six of my closest school friends who I keep properly in touch with.
Then, about another ten who're still at school, who all added me, presumably for the novelty of having a facebook friend.
Then some from old clubs and societies, a mixture of people who've added me, and those I've added through curiousity or boredom.
Then there are some verrrry random people, such as a couple off TSR who've I've added - again through being vaguely interested to see what they're like in 'real life' (or more real than TSR, anyway)
Then there's the fact that pretty much everyone at my uni has facebook, and people often add each other after only meeting very briefly. I've got to admit, that out of vanity, I'll accept pretty much anyone I've met who adds me. I draw the line at complete strangers though, that's just bloody weird.
Although one of my friends proved that a lot of people don't regard this as a problem - she set up a fake profile, with a hot picture, and took adding people with the poshest names she could find. A huge proportion of the people she added accepted, and this fake girl has 150ish friends!!
So in short, how many facebook friends you have is not a good way to judge character, or anything else about a person really!
Reply 18
Currently I've 121 friends on facebook, but I just counted, and I've been in contact with 25 of them in the last week. Probably I could delete half of the people from facebook and it would never make any difference.

My point being, the amount of friends doesn't say much. Don't worry if someone has more.

Just yesterday I accepted two friend requests while thinking "Er. Who is this?". Turns out one was someone who went to the same school I went did, and the other was someone who is going to take the same course as I am in September this year. :rolleyes:
Reply 19
If you have relatively few friends it more than likely means you're selective over your friends, which is a good thing, because nobody wants to be friends with rubbish people. And there's a plethora of rubbish people about.