The Student Room Group

Never going to uni at this rate:(

Right, So I should of finished my 1st year of sixth form but due tor reasons beyond my control(depression) I couldn't stay there. Also part of it was thanks to my bullying (ex) boyfriend who attended there who I didn't want to see. I know I shouldn't of let a boy do that to me, but I am not assertive at all so that affected me a lot. I applied to college , but I didn't attend the induction, I phoned to inform them the day before,part of the reason was I was working that day and I would be too tired to work after a whole day there and also I was scared.Pathetic, I know, I was scared:frown:. Now I don't know what to do they haven't phoned me back and I'm too scared to phone. I really don't know what I want, I might try some sixth forms (again) as well but then they don't really want older first years probably, I feel so upset, and scared and I want to do these things but my body won't let me . I've become scared of social ocassions etc, I'm sorry if this sounds like attention seeking but I just want someone to be truthful with me about my options from here on in :frown: Please.
Reply 1
You can do what ever you want! Nobody in the world can stop you. You have your rights to education. You'll just have to get over the nevous state you get in. If you can't get to 6th form or college then how can you expect to get through uni. Uni is scarey...moving out of home doing really hard work and learning to live for yourself. Maybe you should seek some counseling for your worrys
Exactly, great reply post Tonic! Thoroughly agree, may I add though that if you get any negative thoughts - wherever poss try to delete them from your memory, try to tell yourself not the think them!

Being positive is the first step, and I can already see a few positive personality traits, such as being clever and humble.

There you go, not everyone has these qualities :smile:

HTH xo
Reply 3
thanks :smile:
I'm trying my best to stay postiive and trying to remember that everyone has to do 2 years before uni of something so I gotta get my arse in gear, I know somehow I will work it out I just need to try my hardest!
Hmm, maybe listen to some inspiring music in the mornings.

I tend to do that if I feel really unmotivated :s-smilie:

Other than that I'm pretty driven (after all, I just graduated from a degree in science at a good uni :biggrin: ). Anyway music can help, certainly does with me.

Or find inspiring stories. I think you'll be right though, after all you started a thread on TSR about this :biggrin:
Reply 5
I'm in a similar sort of situation as I failed to take 2 of my A2's due to depression and a nervous breakdown. I'm waiting to see what my results are like as to whether I can still go to uni. I would recommend Connexions though if you need help or advice. I was going around in circles for quite a while, because even my teachers had no idea what to do. Connexions went through all of my options with me and now I feel a little bit better about it.
Reply 6
If you live in London, come to Barnet College (Wood Street)- they are ridiculously flexable, and able to cater to many needs.
Reply 7
If you want to get to uni, you will. I'm 21 and i'm just going off to university because my secondary education was wrecked with illness, I could have given up and just let it beat me, but I chose not to. And the fact that you're posting on here says to me that you don't want to give up and let it beat you either.

Have you thought about seeking some sort of counselling? I know better than most that social phobia is very real and can cause severe problems, and i'm of the opinion that you (anyone) should deal with these problems in the best way they can, even if there is a stigma attached to it for some reason.
Feeling afraid of social situations to the point where you would avoid them is edging toward social phobia (or Social Anxiety Disorder if you prefer). Another symptom you might be aware of is the tendancy to replay, or predict conversations in your head, again and again, trying to find a pleasing solution.

You might want to see your GP, although it's very possible he'll either decide you are simply shy, or fob you off with Citalopram, or another SSRI. In my opinion, I think it would do you a lot of good to research Cognitive Behaviour Therapy as it is very successful in cases of social phobia, and certainly won't do you any harm anyway.

It's worth getting to grips with this before you find yourself becomming more and more avoidant, because like it or not social situations are where all the good stuff happens!

I'm in no way qualified by the way, I've simply done a lot of reading on the subject from personal experience.

This website may well help you get started.

Best of luck, and remember you have to make yourself happy above all, because you're all you've got!
It doesn't matter what age you go to uni. The fact that you are now trying to get things sorted is a good thing. I recently dropped out of uni on health grounds but will be going back somewhere else at the end of September. I'm 20. Good luck with finding a new sixth form and I hope you feel better soon. :hugs: