Right, I was seeing my ex boyfriend for two years, it ended with him cheating on me, which was hypocritical in itself because he was allowed to have friends who were girls but i weren't allowed to have friends who were guys. So because of this "rule" which i blindly followed to make him happy i lost contact with a guy who i was always really close friends with.
Since splitting with EX i went to see the guy friend, Chris, and stayed over at his cause he lives quite far away from me. Nothing happened except he told me he really liked me and there was hugs and i've only ever really thought of him as a friend.
I've recently started seeing someone new and Chris is coming over to see me on Saturday (i've just had an op so he wants to come visit) and he says he cant wait to see me again. I haven't told Chris about ma new boyfriend (we've only been seeing each other 2 weeks) because i don't want to hurt his feelings but i'm going to have to tell him because i don't want him to drive all the way over here on saturday thinking that something might happen.
I really hate hurting peoples feelings so how can i tell him without hurting his? Please help!