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16+ sexual content!! need advice plz.

Ok this is an odd problem I have. Infact its not that huge a problem, its just something that is starting to bother me alot.

Me and my girlfriend have been together about 18 months, and our relationship has always been sexual, we both have high sex drives and try to experiment alot.

Now I cant really explain my problem without being fairly graphic but I will try and keep it as clean as I can.

Basically a few weeks ago we decided to watch some porn whilst we fooled around, we basically did what was going onscreen. Fair enough, much fun was had and at the end (as with 99.9% of porn) there was a grand 'finish' in my girlfriends mouth (Again sorry to be graphic, im not trying to be)

Now that was all fine. The problem is, my girl now wants me to finish like that every time. Whilst I was happy to oblige to begin with (was kind of a fun dirty sex thing) I really don't want to be doing this every time we make love. Honestly in the past two weeks she has done it almost every time.

If I tell her I don't want to do it, she is usually fine and doesn't do it that once, but next time, she is off again.

So basically does anyone have any idea what I can do? I have honestly tried telling her to stop it and she wont. I've even tried finishing without giving her the chance to do it, but we are both very vocal and she knows when im about to finish, gets off/rolls me off and heads south right away...

Im aware this isn't a life or death thing, and might not sound like a huge problem but im missing the more tender side to our love making.
Reply 1
could you try telling her that you dont like it or have you already told her that ?
Reply 2
Theres only really one thing you can do, and that is talk to her and make her aware that you don't like her doing it at all, and make sure she understands you, give her your reasons why you don't want it to happen, but remember sex is a two way street. And also, don't bring this up half way through, bring it up in a non-sexual situation so you can talk normally about it.
Reply 3
Um this might be a stupid question but why wouldn't you like what she's doing now? I don't see what the problem is. You can be "intimate" before you finish you know.
Reply 4
Um this might be a stupid question but why wouldn't you like what she's doing now? I don't see what the problem is. You can be "intimate" before you finish you know.

Yeh im aware. But im simply not going to hug and kiss her after when she has done that.

I know its one of those questions with the simple answer (tlak to her) but ive tried that. I seem to be at a bit of an dead end.
Reply 5
Yeh im aware. But im simply not going to hug and kiss her after when she has done that.

I know its one of those questions with the simple answer (tlak to her) but ive tried that. I seem to be at a bit of an dead end.

Why wouldn't you hug her? :confused:

If at first you don't succeed, try try again.
Reply 6
Oh i see, I can understand why you wouldn't want to kiss her!!! Good luck.
Reply 7
Just tell her there's a charge for the protein shake.
Reply 8
LOL im not sure that one would work samba...

Ill give it a go tho.

It all just seems a bit of a sudden change. Before this the whole face area was out of bounds. Now she wont stop.

Maybe i should just stop moaning lol I suppose it could be worse
Reply 9
It seems to me that this is a new novelty for her and she's just got an obsession/fixation, so to speak- it may pass =/
It seems to me that this is a new novelty for her and she's just got an obsession/fixation, so to speak- it may pass =/

Yeah, possibly. ^^

Next time just say something before she ventures down south. I don't know, something like "I like it when I can hug you at the same time" etc.

Tell her that you do like what she does but say you prefer being closer to her.
Reply 11
I have tried telling her. before, during, after, it dont seem to change.

im not saying I dont enjoy it, an orgasm is an orgasm after all.

Maybe she will get bored soon...
Tell her there are like 5000 calories in it - that'd get rid of the desire of most girls.
Reply 13
Wow, dirty. Every time?

Just tell her what you've just said here, I'm sure she'll understand.
Tbh it's not even the particular thing she's after that's the problem as I see it, it's the lack of variety. Things are gonna get reeeally predictable...
:rofl: LOL what a slag!! Just make sure you don't kiss her afterwards man, thats digusting!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Reply 15
:rofl: LOL what a slag!! Just make sure you don't kiss her afterwards man, thats digusting!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Dont call my girlfriend that.
drink lots of sour drinks and shell be put of the taste