Ok this is an odd problem I have. Infact its not that huge a problem, its just something that is starting to bother me alot.
Me and my girlfriend have been together about 18 months, and our relationship has always been sexual, we both have high sex drives and try to experiment alot.
Now I cant really explain my problem without being fairly graphic but I will try and keep it as clean as I can.
Basically a few weeks ago we decided to watch some porn whilst we fooled around, we basically did what was going onscreen. Fair enough, much fun was had and at the end (as with 99.9% of porn) there was a grand 'finish' in my girlfriends mouth (Again sorry to be graphic, im not trying to be)
Now that was all fine. The problem is, my girl now wants me to finish like that every time. Whilst I was happy to oblige to begin with (was kind of a fun dirty sex thing) I really don't want to be doing this every time we make love. Honestly in the past two weeks she has done it almost every time.
If I tell her I don't want to do it, she is usually fine and doesn't do it that once, but next time, she is off again.
So basically does anyone have any idea what I can do? I have honestly tried telling her to stop it and she wont. I've even tried finishing without giving her the chance to do it, but we are both very vocal and she knows when im about to finish, gets off/rolls me off and heads south right away...
Im aware this isn't a life or death thing, and might not sound like a huge problem but im missing the more tender side to our love making.