The Student Room Group

My close male friend

Well I started hanging out with a bunch of friends, new friends n' all blah blah blah, but there's this guy who I found not so attractive and thought he'd be the last guy I'd look at.

But, as time went on, the more time i spent with him and the group as a whole, I've started to see him in a different light, but all I like is his personality not looks wise, I know this sounds incredibly shallow.
Then again, it could be just that I like him very much as a friend? I always think about him too? Like we'd have a "moment" and we'd kiss, or we'd meet years later when he's a doctor (that's what hewants to be) and we'll fall in love...

These feelings keep coming and going, it's been about two months now, also, I'm afriad to admit, when there are periods when I just suddenly go off him, I cringe at the thought that I liked him in the frist place, then something sets it off again :s-smilie:
Yeah I think I know what you mean. It's lke you've fallen for his personality..not his body or looks.
Ask yourself? would you be more into him and a relationship if say he was hot?
Liking someone for their personality is anything but shallow...
Omg how freakys that.
you have just posted exactly what i was gonna post.
and i mean exaclty im in the same stitch.
& he wants to be a doctor aswell..

sooo freaky!

anon ( friends on here)
Just what on earth are you complaining about!?!?

Wake up!! youve found somone you like for their personality rather than looks, do you have ANY idea how rare it is to fall for someone in that way (rare in my experience at least).

You're lucky. end of.
If you're happy around him, and you feel attracted to him but it is just his appearance that is 'putting you off' perhaps that is because you are worried about what other people will think? Really, an emotional rather than physical attraction to someone is a good thing, not something to be concerned about :smile:
Reply 6
If anything, I’d say you’re in a lucky position – you actually like him for who he is (personality, character, etc.) as opposed to his looks.

I think you need to think about how you view him and how you like him – are you actually attracted to him (emotionally, if not physically)? Would it bother you or be difficult for you to go out with him due to his physical looks?
Reply 7
Liking someone for their personality is anything but shallow...

Liking someone solely for their personality is just as shallow as liking them solely for their looks.

If anything, I’d say you’re in a lucky position you actually like him for who he is (personality, character, etc.) as opposed to his looks.

...Because the way someone looks isn't a part of who they are?

I really can't understand people in such positions, it strikes me as completely arbitrary. You can identify yourself with your body as much as you can your emotion or your work or your car or anything else one might feel defines them.