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what ever you do, DONt use ice.
Apply some antiseptic cream perhaps, aloe vera is the best if you have any.
If you've got some ice-stick it in a sandwich bag or similar and then cover with a tea towel or several pieces of kitchen roll and keep that on it for a while. It will stop stinging eventually, just be patient :smile:
what ever you do, DONt use ice.

Not directly on it at any rate...
Reply 4
Germolene might help. It's fairly cheap (a coupla quid?) and it acts as both antiseptic and anaesthetic.

Also, wrap your fingers in a bandage if the pain in that bad. The pharmacist will point you to the best one for a burn.
Reply 5
erm... ive got bonjela does that count??btw im typing one handed... hah... OWWW!
erm... ive got bonjela does that count??btw im typing one handed... hah... OWWW!

bonjela is for mouth ulcers :biggrin: If the burn isn't that bad-more just a quick surface burn then you should be fine without the cream. Its going to sting but it won't last long.
Reply 7
i did it with sraightners on full heat :frown: i now have two lines on each finger.. how stylish : /
Reply 8
Germolene and if possible a bandage always works for me. :smile: Try not thinking about it too much as well though.
Pain killers.
Reply 10
ive put germolene on people and it still hurts!!!!
Well its not gonna make the pain magically disappear-its more to prevent infection really cos its antiseptic.
Reply 12
oh.. well il just have to keep on doing everything one handed until it stops :frown:
Reply 13
Go get some calamine and glycerin cream from boots.
Or there's a spray called burneeze which is meant to be really cooling.
wrap it in cling film...that's for scalds, but it might work.
Reply 15
get a pillow and punch it :tongue: Take your pain and turn it into aggression! grrr!

Either that or put ice on it with towels as someone suggested, if it gets cold enough it can numb it :smile:

Any pain killers you got really, ibuprofen?
Reply 16
Thanks everyone for your advice :] luckily im going into town soon so il do what Lucy 88 said and get that cream stuff, and il get some ibuprofen whilst im there, thanks Jamesb283 :smile:
And if this Disco Pirate person can conclude that im a Bitch off this internet forum because i didnt do what he said then... good for him : /
Erm, if you actually did what i said instead of just moaning, then your fingers would no longer be hurting.
That's the last time i give you advise.
Reply 18
don't put any creams/moisturisers on it..

just keep it cold.

you might want to cover it with clingfilm to prevent infection, but I don't think your burn is that serious.
Reply 19
Wonder why your temporarily banned then.