I've just discovered a 'financial declaration form' from the college I applied to which has to arrive there by the 31st of July, and realised two things:
Ignoring/torching important correspondence is not wise.
And: I don't actually know which of these boxes I'm supposed to tick. It says: "Please tick the boxes as appropriate" and the options are:
1 - I have applied to my LEA for financial support
2 - I am from another EU member state and have applied to the DfES for public funding
3 - I enclose a copy of my Financial Assessment form
4 - My financial assessment form shows that the government will pay .... towards the £3070 university tuition fee on my behalf
5 - My financial assessment form shows that I will be paying the £3070 University Tuition fee myself.
6 - I am and overseas student.. (etc.)
I'm a UK citizen, and I'm getting a loan from the Student Loans company to pay the tuition fee; does that mean I choose point 5, as at the end of the day it is me paying the tuition fee, or point 1 because - don't we all apply to our LEAs for financial support anyway? Thanks for any help!