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Reply 2
I see!


although it did seem strange considering all the other colleges had 'typical' offers with 3 or more A2's.

Reply 3
To get in Cambridge I would assume you need A at maths and Further maths and a couple of others and some STEP papers but do you need to have read around a lot, such as maths books on whatever subject maths books usually have?
Reply 4
I've got some more off amazon such as 'What is mathematics?' and the historys' of Pi and e which are both interesting and they contain maths too. And I'm going through a history of the zeta function and the reiman hypothesis which is mathys too.

I did get some abstract algebra books and number therory but I'm going to leave them till after I;ve finished the rest.

I have a massive red pure book from school by Sadler and Thorning and I am going through the A2 stuff in Advanced Physics for you.

Any other suggestions for books?
Reply 5
Yes they say it is AA +1,2

I got AA +1,1 along with all the other Peterhouse mathmos I have heard about. Grr, 1,2 would be a lot nicer :biggrin:

As for books, well Fermat's Last Theorem by Singh is a must, I just found it very enjoyable. God Created the Integers by Hawking is also good, certainly for the biographical details of certain prominant mathematicians, but the actual maths in it can, and does, get very much too hard for someone with A-Level knowledge. Hence I sort of stopped reading it :frown:
Reply 6
coffeym are you in teh facebook peterhouse freshers group?
Reply 7
No not be honest I'd rather wait until I see if I'm actually going...given that I reckon I missed my STEP offer. Only 4 more agonising weeks ahead. Oh how I hate this process!!
Reply 8
all the mathmos (and there are a few of them) on the facebook group missed their STEP offers. you're not alone!
Reply 9
Gee in that case I will take a look...I need some reassurance!!

EDIT: How do I actually register when I don't have a [email protected] email address, and when I use my actual address it says there isn't a college group matching it?
Reply 10
You register on your regional network, I'd guess. I did my Cambridge one first so I'm not sure how you go about doing it, though.
Reply 11
I got that hawkings book today from Waterstones I only flicked but it seemed ok.

Its on my summer reading list.

As for the one about fermats last theorem would it be all about the theorem or does it go into other areas of maths?

I know what the theorem is and that Andrew Wiles solves it and that he employed hemerterian? matricies as a part which I'm reading about in one of my other books.
I've just finished reading Fermat's - it was very interesting, and nicely diverse aswell. Definitely recommended.
And Wiles didn't use matrices, no.
I registered with no network. I just skipped the step when I signed up and used a regular email address. I'm on the Peterhouse Fresher group :p:
As for the one about fermats last theorem would it be all about the theorem or does it go into other areas of maths?

I know what the theorem is and that Andrew Wiles solves it and that he employed hemerterian? matricies as a part which I'm reading about in one of my other books.
It's pretty much all about the theorem but there isn't really any significant math content. It certainly doesn't cover what Wiles did in anything but the very broadest overview.

In some ways that's not surprising; for me the most humbling page in that book is the bit that's a copy of Page 1 of the Wiles' proof. Now this is pretty much my area of mathematics; it's the only area in my postgrad degree (Part III) I did well in. And I didn't understand any of that page; I didn't even have an idea what 90% of the terms meant!
Reply 15

Thats shocking. It all brings a certain level of perspective to it all.

I'm sure you have a better hair cut than Wiles though.
Reply 16
They only ask for two A levels because they ask ridiculous things of people in STEP 2 and 3!
Think of people with AAA11 offers #zomg#
Reply 18
I'm in the freshers group although I'm not a fresher :smile:

Welcome thomas795135, and check out the Peterhouse thread.
Reply 19
Whats a fresher and thanks for the welcome. I think i will be applying in october.