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Reply 1
Have you conisdered that she may have no credit?
Reply 2
(edited 11 years ago)
Reply 3
woah, hold the **** on, got something URGENT to say here ok? cus i have personally had this happen to me.
Now, it could be to do with anything, from periods, to resentment, to family issues, to whatever, but i have one piece of advice;
Leave it.
I dont know if this girl is your friend or gf, give her space. days, weeks, a month even, if she does not want to be approached, then dont approach kapeesh?
now i know im gonna get tons of people goin "no, communication is cornerstone to a relationship" and i cudnt agree more, but from personal experience its wise just to leave it and not be involved for a few days. god, i wish i had buddy. she'll come around, or not, either way its her choice, just dont push the issue.
sorry about the intensity but i had my world cluster ****ed by sumthin like this cus i tried to talk to a girl who was ignoring me and **** kicked off. just trying to pass on the wisdom
Reply 4
Maybe you said something she didn't know how to reply to or she just hasn't turned her phone on or got any credit? How long do you think she's been ignoring you for and does she do it when you see her in person?
Reply 5
(edited 11 years ago)
Reply 6
(edited 11 years ago)
No not in person. Thats why its weird. We saw each other a few days ago and everything was absolutely cool.

Just give it time, for me if I don't reply it's normally that I can't or I'm stressed out about something.

Try again in a few days, with a non-committal 'I hope you're ok' or something, I'd find that sweet and show that I was wanted :smile:
I get really annoyed if people send my loads of txts and then send ones saying text back etc. in the end i just dont reply cos they r being annoying
so it cud be that ur comming on too strongly?
Reply 9
Yes. But I'm talking generally, not necessarily about this time.

Tbh I think I'm just being silly atm.

But the last time it was text, email, myspace etc. blocked on msn with no explanation. To me that seems a little illogical.

Maybe you said something to upset her without realising it or she thought you were ignoring her at some point or she heard something that put her off you temporarily... Could be any number of things. Maybe she was just busy and blocked you to stop herself spending too long talking to you? Or you were just getting on her nerves.:p:
Reply 10
got to admit that i do that sometimes lol...tbh its when im super stressed/upset about something and am to angry to tell the person or dont think that they will understand. best thing u can do is send a nice message saying you are worried etc and leave her be!
Reply 11
(edited 11 years ago)
Reply 12
Sometimes i just get fed up of the constant texting, need a break from it, maybe shes trying to do something. Just give her a bit of space.
The same thing is happening to me too atm :/. She's blocked me from msn and I haven't heard a thing from her for almost 2 months. The strangest thing was we were just friends, nothing more, and bam it's like she's completely blanked me. Why do people do that? :frown:
Reply 14
(edited 11 years ago)
Reply 15
Mate, girls do that all the time.
just randomly start ignoring guys with no obvious reason or explanation?

I'm being ignored at the moment. I know she's getting my texts etc but she's not replying. (btw we're not actually going out but I thought it was headed that way.)

I've had a girl do it to me before and I just don't get it! I mean from my perspective surely its easier and less hurtful for all just to give a reason!

Yeah anyway any suggestions from girls, or guys would be nice.

Why do guys just randomly start ignoring girls with no obvious reason or explanation?
do you know if she likes you back? because it could be she doesn't want to hurt you but is hoping you will get the hint, all i know is i have done that with people but not in a nasty way like all over them then deciding i don't like them but because the guy is trying a bit to hard.
Reply 18
(edited 11 years ago)
Reply 19
more adventurous
Why do guys just randomly start ignoring girls with no obvious reason or explanation?

yeah good question!