The Student Room Group
Reply 1
well what do you do to make them think it.
Reply 2
I dont eat a lot.....I hate the thought of putting on weight....I am currently underweight...I feel cold....and there was a phase i went through it was just for 2 days where I would make myself sick....but it was nothing....just because I dont eat a lot everyone thinks I have one.
Reply 3
yeah why do they think it? do they think you eat too much? too little?
Well you say yourself you are underweight, not saying you do have an eating problem but are you having the normal 3 meals a day?
Reply 5
Just face the facts: you are underweight, so you need to change your diet so that you become a healthy weight. If you made yourself sick then that is a problem, it is not "nothing". You friends, dietitians etc. are telling you this because they genuinely believe you have a problem, and my advice would be to listen to them. They all want to help and support you.
Reply 6
Eat more. You obviously need to. Failing to put the pieces together and come to that conclusion is just denial.
I dont eat a lot.....I hate the thought of putting on weight....I am currently underweight...I feel cold....and there was a phase i went through it was just for 2 days where I would make myself sick....but it was nothing....just because I dont eat a lot everyone thinks I have one.

You basically said the problem and then said you don't have a problem. Making yourself anonymous does give the impression that you do actually realise you're not behaving normally as you find it embarrassing but you want people to get off your back. They won't as they don't want you to die from heart failure like 2 sisters did from living on lettuce.
Reply 8
Everyone thinks I have an eating disorder - my dietition, my friends, my support workers. But I dont, I really dont - I dont know why they are saying these things. But its making me so frustrated. Please can someone help.

I dont eat a lot.....I hate the thought of putting on weight....I am currently underweight...I feel cold....and there was a phase i went through it was just for 2 days where I would make myself sick....but it was nothing....just because I dont eat a lot everyone thinks I have one.
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Pet, the bits in bold kinda affirm the dieticians beliefs. Tell me, how many people without eating disorders or disorders of some sort do you see with support workers and/or dieticians?

When people have eating disorders they are generally of the opinion they are overweight or are simply scared of putting weight on, as they are afraid of not looking good enough for other people etc...

Biological signs: Their cold. Maybe because their malnourished to a certain extent?

Plus they usually make themselves sick.

So you have biopsychosocial issues there, lots of things that need fixing.

Now I'll stop short of saying you have an eating disorder, but if you were reading they symptoms of the above person from an objective point of view, wuold you think they have an eating disorder?
Reply 9
Right I won't bother posting this as anonymous because I feel there's little point me doing so. I'm currently undergoing treatment for bullimia/anorexia. The hardest thing is admitting you've got a problem, because this means you start the process of letting it go. I was terrified about telling anyone because I know people knowing would mean I would have to start the process of getting better, which at one point I really didn't want. I won't lie to you, its hard but if people are questioning your eating habits and you seeing a dietician already? then it appears you have a problem that needs professional help.