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Architecture Past Papers

Some cambridge colleges have admissions tests for architecture; does anyone know where i can get my hands on some example papers to see what theyr all about?

I think the best way of seeing what you will learn on a course is looking at the past papers and seeing what they expect you to have learnt. Where can i get past papers for the end of first year at cambridge?

Oh and one more thing, rumour has it that next year cambridge will be running a joint architecture and engineering course. Got any info on that?

Cheers home-slice
Reply 1
they are not like exam papers as far as i'm aware, they will send you a task to fulfil - i was sent one about describing in 1000 words a view from a window, and accompanying it with drawings, sculpture, etc. they change all the time, so i don't think there's much point trying to track down what they've asked in the past, just wait until you get the letter telling you what they want from you this year. its not like there are right answers anyway.
Reply 2
cambridge is poo for architecture - don't bother. if you wanna go cambridge; fine but do something else.

f ya wanna do architecture; sod cambridge and go somewhere good.
Reply 3
You wont gain much at all from looking at past papers, they'll all be similar anyway seeing as they have to include certain components for RIBA certification. Also the course usually around 60/40 on design... and theres arent papers for that.

If im correct in assuming that you havent applied yet i'd say that you were jumping the gun slightly by asking for past papers.

Cambridge interview tests vary from college to college, but to the best of my knowledge there isnt a written test for them (correct me if im wrong). the tests are done in the interview, and they're verbal not written questions.
Reply 4
i was asked to write a 1000 word piece on a view from my window and to accompany it with artwork in various media
Reply 5
Cambridge (Magdalene college to be precise) never asked me to do any tasks, just to bring a portfolio to interview...

I would say that you'd be better off researching interview questions as these are more similar year on year, whereas I expect the tasks will vary hugely, and there won't be a `right` answer
Reply 6
Just watched a rubbish program on BBC2 that had some Cambridge architecture students on it, and they all seemed like complete tossers. I was laughing and feeling sick at the same time.

Anyway, back on topic...
I agree with Archiboi on the fact that people apply to Cambridge simply because of the 'title' - the course is actually not that great.
Having said that - I applied to Cambridge :ninja: - but I did 2 interviews and was expected to bring a portfolio. I didn't have to do any written test or even a statement.
Original post by wackysparkle
I agree with Archiboi on the fact that people apply to Cambridge simply because of the 'title' - the course is actually not that great.
Having said that - I applied to Cambridge :ninja: - but I did 2 interviews and was expected to bring a portfolio. I didn't have to do any written test or even a statement.

I know that your comment is 10 years out of date, but Cambridge is now top in the country for the UK.

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