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Reply 1
dont. whats the point
Reply 2
Don't steep to that level..the better man stands up and walks away
Reply 3
Don't what are you going to be gaining out of it?
Reply 4
Get another girl, ASAP.
Umm.. Why exactly?

I personally think, you are quite frankly wasting your time sparing a thought on such a matter, let alone trying to gather other people's.

If, you can give me perfectly good reason to need to take "revenge" on your ex, and a sure prediction of how it'll help anyone but you in this world, get somewhat further [if at all] in life, than I shall offer my services.

Until then, I think not.
but she has hurt me so much by breaking up with me, although she broke up with me cos i was an evil bastard to her, but still im so hurt and i want to hurt her too.
How about just ignore her? Move on with your life, its better than stooping to pointless revenge.
Reply 8
but she has hurt me so much by breaking up with me, although she broke up with me cos i was an evil bastard to her, but still im so hurt and i want to hurt her too.

lol... she'll probably get revenge at you first then.
Why do you expect us to help you hurt someone?

Sorry, will do no such thing :smile:
hmm come on lads, you must have wanted to get revenge at your ex at some point. I cant believe you are all goody two shoes on this forum!
Reply 11
Whats the situation, brummyman?
Reply 12
Ok, so you want to get revenge on your girlfriend for not sticking with you while you were being evil to her?
hmm come on lads, you must have wanted to get revenge at your ex at some point. I cant believe you are all goody two shoes on this forum!

No, cant say I have. I just wanted to forget them & move on, not hurt them.
She was perfectly right to break up with you if you were an 'evil b******' to her! So you may be hurting now, but you hurt her, it's very selfish of you to want revenge! Jus get on with ur life instead of wanting to make her miserable!
Reply 15
but she has hurt me so much by breaking up with me, although she broke up with me cos i was an evil bastard to her, but still im so hurt and i want to hurt her too.
lol, are you taking the piss?
Don't get revenge, rise above it no matter how hard it seems. I've thought loads of times about making an ex hurt as much as they hurt me but then i realised i'm better than that and i walked away. You need to get over her, getting back at her will just prolong things and will make it harder to walk away. Just let it go and try and move on x
oh well, im just torn up and bitter and i dont deny this. Im in the mood to make her life miserable. Come on people, give me ideas
OP what the **** are you thinking? You going all fatal attraction on her, will make YOU look like a complete psycho loser and it is your EX that has the power of upsetting you that much that you took out revenge. It will make her see that it was a good idea for her to dump you, and she will laugh at you ( her psycho ex boyf) in the pub in years to come.

Move on like she has. Or better yet reflect on why you were such a bastard and make an effort to change.
but she has hurt me so much by breaking up with me, although she broke up with me cos i was an evil bastard to her, but still im so hurt and i want to hurt her too.

If this be your answer to my original post, absolutely not a good enough answer.

Get, a life.