The Student Room Group

broken heel?

i'm on my feet for 5-6 hours a day nonstop- with no sitting down whatsoever. That's not the problem though, the heel of left foot is really painful to walk on, at times i can't so i have to walk on the ball of my foot which eases the pain a bit. I wondered if anyone knew what was wrong with it? is it possible to strain a muscle in your heel? or sprain or break a bone in your heel without being aware of it? All i know is that it really really hurts! :frown: thanks
Reply 1
Possibly you have just bruised it? Or hurt the tendons around it.

There is a condition called plantar facitiis (possible wrong spelling) that is inflammation of tissue under the heel and that causes really painful heel.

They thought I had that but infact I have a trapped nerve near my heel (soon to be operated on!) so maybe its that.

My advice? Ice, rest and some anti-inflammatories or painkillers. See how it feels and if it doesnt get better visit your GP!
Possibly you have just bruised it? Or hurt the tendons around it.

There is a condition called plantar facitiis (possible wrong spelling) that is inflammation of tissue under the heel and that causes really painful heel.

They thought I had that but infact I have a trapped nerve near my heel (soon to be operated on!) so maybe its that.

My advice? Ice, rest and some anti-inflammatories or painkillers. See how it feels and if it doesnt get better visit your GP!

maybe you're right- although it's not inflamed or anything in fact it just looks the same as normal, but when i stand on it its really sore, and i have to hop a bit, after a while though it works of, its when i rest it that it hurts when i stand up :frown:
Trust me you'd know about it if your heel was broken, I suspect you may have bruised it. Put something cold on it when you get chance :wink:
Rock Fan
Trust me you'd know about it if your heel was broken, I suspect you may have bruised it. Put something cold on it when you get chance :wink:

:p: i.e i'd be crying everytime i stood up :p: i suppose you're right- it's just so bloody sore!
Rock Fan
Trust me you'd know about it if your heel was broken, I suspect you may have bruised it. Put something cold on it when you get chance :wink:

thanks for the rep :smile:
Reply 6
One of the symptoms of plantar fasciitis is a REALLY painful heel first thing in the morning. I have it and it's sooooo painful. There's not a lot you can do for it beyond taking anti-inflammatories if the pain gets bad, but if you google it you'll find sites that offer some exercises you can do and I've found them to be quite helpful. One thing though, make sure that you still try and walk properly as walking 'wrongly' can cause a lot of other problems too.
Reply 7
Could be you have what is called a "calcaneal spur". That can cause a lot of pain. Read here for more info: