The Student Room Group

craziest dream

I had the weirdest dream last night and would love any opinions anyone has on this.

I had a dream that for some reason me and this guy from work were standing cheek to cheek and then we turned heads and started kissing. then this morning i went to work and out of no where this guy (from the dream) leant into me and said what do u think of my aftershave? so we were again cheek to cheek but in real life and all of a sudden i remembered the dream.

I just got totally freaked out coz i'd dreamt the cheek to cheek thing (which we'd never done before it was totally new and random) and then it happened.

i just thought it was strange.

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Reply 1
that sounds kinda freaky. im really in to dreams at the moment so try looking it up on the net and finding out what it means. ive never had a dream and it happen after but ill have a lot of dreams that mean something and it usually is something that is going on in my life.
really weird stuff happens to me though, not in dreams but ill bethinking of someone all of sudden and ill see them the next day or theyll ring (itll be someone i havent seen for ages) or ill just be thinking of something and itll happen. its kinda freaky.
do you ever get that?
yeah i get those a good bit but i've never had it happen in a dream, well maybe once or twice but only if there's something going on already and the dreams just elaborate.

this dream just freaked me out coz even though we didn't kiss like in the dream the cheek to cheek thing is so random, how would i know that he'd ask me to smell his neck to check out his after shave.
Reply 3
i dont know. it seems really weird though like maybe its some crazy sign or something lol.
that would definately freak me out. especially if u did turn and kiss each other.
is this guy someone you find attractive??
yeah i suppose, he's not my usual type but he's real funny (which i love) and a real nice guy. I was thinking that thing about the sign but i really dont want to read too much into it.
Reply 5
Agh, you just reminded me of a god awful dream I had 18 months ago. It is a little odd, but no more than when you think "Hmm, I haven't seen that episode of [show] in a while" and then it comes on later that day; only this is less unusual because you probably sense that he likes you. Putting your cheek by someone is only weird in the first place if you don't have a reason, and considering he did have a reason, it's pretty much a non-event.
Reply 6
fair enough. maybe just put it to the back of your mind then. if it happens again maybe start looking into it.
just see what happens i guess.
its definately weird though.
Agh, you just reminded me of a god awful dream I had 18 months ago. It is a little odd, but no more than when you think "Hmm, I haven't seen that episode of [show] in a while" and then it comes on later that day; only this is less unusual because you probably sense that he likes you. Putting your cheek by someone is only weird in the first place if you don't have a reason, and considering he did have a reason, it's pretty much a non-event.

so u think it's nothing major and the cheek thing is just a crazy coincidence.

I always have very strange dreams, weird and epic but this is the first time it's ever happened in real life haha maybe i should do the lottery this week hahaha
Reply 8
so u think it's nothing major and the cheek thing is just a crazy coincidence.

If not, then your psychic powers are going to waste on these cheek dreams of yours.
hahaha like i said it might be time to do the lottery. I guess i am just hoping it's a sign that he likes me.
I've had some strange things is dreams come true recently afterwards too. But when you think about it, you have so many dreams with so many odd little things in them that one (or more) of them is bound to happen eventually.
do u know what i've just thought of, now ur all gonna think this is weird but i lived in america recently and i was thinking about the difference in words over there and in the states they call ur ass ur fanny and when i was in work a few hours later a few girls were talking about something else and the same point came up. now it's probably another coincidence but with the dream thing earlier that morning too it's all spooky hahaha
Reply 12
Every time I dream about owls, someone dies within a week.

These are coincidences. More than that, they're lame coincidences. If you happen to dream of a fiery apocalypse and then it happens, let us know.
Reply 13
I always have dreams where the next day i have a flash back because something similar has happened but it makes me feel really weird, I lose all sight and sound for a second and feel quite dizzy. Once I blacked out for a few minutes when it happened. No idea why it happens though.
once i prayed loads to see meet my grandmother in a dream when i was missing her loads (she passed away when i was 4) and i had forgotten her voice and her style of talking. 5 days later i had a dream and she was saying 'i came to you 5 days earlier too, you must have forgotten.' Then she took a certain name and said that this person told her she had recieved a letter from me. Then she takes out a letter and reads everything on the letter which turns out to be every single prayer i made that night. I saw her face so clearly and her voice so clearly (although i don't remember it anymore) and everything was really vivid. When i woke up i tried to work out when i had made those prayers, because i had forgotten about them. I remembered attending a function the day after the prayers, and so i managed to work it out to be exactly 5 days. Whats more is that i told my mum the dream and told her the name that my grandmother took when she said someone told her she had recieved a letter from me. It turned out to be the exact same name of my grandmothers sister who passed away at a young age. I never even knew about her.

now That is spookey!
Reply 15
I had a crazy dream last night, about a girl, and I realised who she was this morning. I think I need to not go on TSR as much :redface:

My craziest dream was years ago, and in it I was at school, which of course, was a jungle, and I was fighting in the Vietnam war. I remember going into the dining room which was a medieval banquet hall with banners on the walls, then I went outside and was blown up really vividly by a landmine.
I had a dream last night in which exactly the same thing happened O_o (with a girl instead of a guy). I hope it happens now :biggrin:

(My normal thing coming up)
There are many reports of people seeing future events in dreams. I know of one where a guy dreamt of horses and whichever one he dreamt of won the next race, and he became rich from it. I for one have had maybe 4 or 5 incidents of future seeing, but nothing overly major. Two of them were dreaming about upcoming events in games (Sonic 3 specifically) which, as you can imagine, is not overly useful.
Elija Black
I had a dream last night in which exactly the same thing happened O_o (with a girl instead of a guy). I hope it happens now :biggrin:

(My normal thing coming up)
There are many reports of people seeing future events in dreams. I know of one where a guy dreamt of horses and whichever one he dreamt of won the next race, and he became rich from it. I for one have had maybe 4 or 5 incidents of future seeing, but nothing overly major. Two of them were dreaming about upcoming events in games (Sonic 3 specifically) which, as you can imagine, is not overly useful.

so the things you and the other guy dreamt of came true?? Mine only came partly true.
so the things you and the other guy dreamt of came true?? Mine only came partly true.

For the second paragraph, yes, but mine were sketchy at best, not to mention utterly useless :mad: This other guy, I forget where I read that, but I think it's pretty well known that dreams are more than just random images and feelings.
well after the crazy dream and coincidence i had a dream that i came into some money so i did the lottery yesterday and won a scratch card, i know it's hardly millions but its the first time i've ever won.