The Student Room Group

Are most quiet people like this?

This is anon as people know me and its sort of private stuff lol anyway..

I don't really know my true personality but I know that I want to be extrovert lol:rolleyes: Basically im really really quiet everywhere I go apart from at home, I hardly speak, unless I go to my friends. I try to speak but people don't hear me, I shout louder and they still don't hear so im usually stood feeling stupid with someone staring and smirking at me lol. I do prefere to daydream than to talk to a group of people but its odd because when I go home, whether its from a lecture or party Im usually feel high if Ive said something, even a few words to make people laugh:confused: I also fantasise about talking a lot and sounding cool. Yet in real life I am no where near witty enough to be like this.

Im just wondering why am I like this? Am I a true introvert or an exrovert wannabe or what lol. Is what Ive described common with really quiet people:confused: Im almost 22 btw and have always been like this.

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Reply 1
Also when I do speak its usually comments which really quiet people don't normally say like 'your not as good as me at this' or 'its alright for some' in a joking way to make people laugh but people think im being serious lol so I end up showing myself up.
Reply 2
Erm I don't really know what to say to these posts. But if you're as quiet as you say you are, i'd recommend you thinking about the scenarios like 8-10 times before you go out and socialise, that way you can predict what will be said and possibly be more confident.
Reply 3
You're not an introvert because you want to socialise/be outgoing etc. Surely you're just shy?
You lack confidence. Fix that.
Reply 5
Do what I did. Go out and talk to random people.
I know sort of what you mean, sometimes i talk and if its a situation i'm uncomfortable in it may come out very quiet or squeaky or something. You obviously enjoy talking and socialising as you get the high from it, so do it more often and it will become easier.
Reply 7
I prefer daydreaming to real life too................
Reply 8
I'm a bit like that too. I would say your an extrovert who does not want to accept the real life because of its tiring and tough circumstances. You rather dream that you have done all that stuff because it's easier.

You are lazy and shy but once you tackle these two characteristics of yours you should be okay:smile:
I'm a bit like that too. I would say your an extrovert who does not want to accept the real life because of its tiring and tough circumstances. You rather dream that you have done all that stuff because it's easier.

You are lazy and shy but once you tackle these two characteristics of yours you should be okay:smile:

Actually, that just makes him a complete introvert.
Reply 10
Actually, that just makes him a complete introvert.

well if you want to call it that okay then:smile:
Reply 11
i'm like that, exactly. so i just pretend to be confident. sounds weird, but it helped me.
Reply 12
It's a confidence thing. Have you been ignored a lot when you spoke as a child? This happened to me a lot. I was never taken seriously by my parents and so now that i'm an adult i think i usually feel like i want my statements to make a difference. Also at one point, my english was very poor and so never had the confidence to speak in case i make some sort of a pronounciation or vocabulary mistake. Maybe it's the same thing with you? Perhaps u feel people dont value your opinion as much and you just want to prove to them that you have thoughts and opinions that should be valued/found interesting..
The reason you fantasise about them is your way of practising it all.
Reply 13
Just FYI:
The terms Introvert and Extrovert (spelled Extravert by Carl Jung), were originally employed by Sigmund Freud and given significant amplification later by Jung. The terms refer to "attitudes" and show how a person orients and receives their energy. In the Extraverted attitude the energy flow is outward, and the preferred focus is on people and things, whereas in the Introverted attitude the energy flow is inward, and the preferred focus is on thoughts and ideas.

i don't think most quiet people are like you.
If you want to be "loud", then what's stopping you?

And it's silly us saying "you're introverted" or whatever. You're what you want to be.
I am sometimes quiet these days cos Im not exactly brilliant at thinking up things to say, communication was never my forte.

I cant really think of any good advice, but if you want to make more conversation then you have to increase your knowledge, watch more TV read more and listen to the news. That way you will have enough social ammunition to get by with most people.

Also feel free to interrupt loudly if you want to, and dont worry about sounding rude/stupid, 9/10 no-one thinks that.

.........unless of course you ARE rude and stupid but then I doubt you'd have this problem if you were :-)
I'm exactly the same...
Reply 16
You sound exactly like me! I'm really shy and quiet, but once I have actually properly got myself into conversation with people I'm comfortable with (or anyone if it's a subject I'm passionate about - weirdly, I have no shyness issues at all if it's a topic I feel strongly about, I will start arguing with anyone at all!). I also prefer to keep to myself in public rather than have to stress myself with social situations, even though I'd rather be with people, it's too much hassle. And I always feel pleased with myself if I've put my hand up in class and volunteered an answer or opinion, or talked to someone I don't usually talk to, it's weird how that's such a confidence boost! Just try to do that as much as possible, the little things like that, to try to build up your self-esteem in social situations.
Reply 17
just say the wrong thing to random people... they can be funny about that sort of thing.
Reply 18
i'd say youre shy and lack me!
Reply 19
Yes all quiet people are the same.
All loud people are the same.
All disabled people are the same.
All fat people are the same.
