The Student Room Group

Themed Nights Out...

This whole idea of going out clubbing dressed up just does not appeal to me in any way whatsoever. It seems to be a very popular thing in British culture at the moment and I was wondering if these sorts of things are required.

I happened to see a few freshers week schedules and one university talks about a pirate themed night. Are people who don't dress as pirates not allowed to take part? Or is it really just a voluntary thing?
Reply 1
They're generally optional, but most people will at least buy an eyepatch or something.
The only one i've been to which was compulsary is Skool Daze (no rep for guessing the theme) but people who didnt dress up (a very small minority) were just made to buy a tie on entry.
Reply 2
God I hate this! One of my flatmates friends came up for her birthday which was hawaii themed but nobody had told him, when he arrived he took us down to his car and no joke the boot was full of different costumes... that's a bit sad.
Reply 3
madness?? THIS. IS. SPARTAAAA!!!
Reply 4
What's wrong with a bit of whimsy eh?

I love the monotony of striped dress shirts and black skirts of the world's clubs being punctured by some deliciously gaudy pirate attire / swashbuckling accoutrements.
Reply 5
hehe what's wrong with dressing up? It's fun.
Nothing like being a big kid again.
We're doing the whole school thing on Monday, that's always a popular one.
Reply 6
Wasn't a fan of themed nights out before I went to University, but is really good fun if everyone gets into it
Reply 7
im looking forward to problem is i have no costumes, i dont even have a school tie :frown:
Reply 8
I agree with what PieMaster said... just wear something related to the theme, no matter how pathetic (eg. eyepatch). I don't particularly like fancy dress either, and that's what all of my friends had for their 16th's. :rolleyes: My problem with them is that I'm too lazy and not creative enough to create a decent costume. :redface: My efforts are usually quite weak, lol. Having said that, I probably will be going to the ones at uni anyway. :smile:
I hate fancy dress too, but then I also hate clubbing, so it's pretty irrelevant for me. There are a lot of fancy dress nights and most people do make quite an effort for them, but you could still go if you didn't want to dress up. You'd just look a bit out of place.
Some people make an effort, some people make a little effort and some people make sod all edit.

Another popular type of pub crawl is the one where you all buy T Shirts to get into the final nightclub and follow a pub crawl to the final venue. I like them, I get to photograph them :biggrin:
Reply 11
Well, I suppose it's a cultural thing then. If I were to propose the idea of dressing up to go clubbing here (which I wouldn't) I am sure people would say I'm an idiot. Ah well, we'll see. :smile:

I'll stay open to new ideas, no harm done.

Then again, I suppose the dressing up goes with the binging too. I'm not really a fan of that either. Damn youths and their drinking! :wink:
Reply 12

Then again, I suppose the dressing up goes with the binging too. I'm not really a fan of that either. Damn youths and their drinking! :wink:

Nah not necessarily; I like themed nights out, but hate bingeing.:smile:
Reply 13
Last thing, someone mentioned making costumes out of rags, etc, but do university cities often have costume shops just for that purpose?
Reply 14
There's 3 costume shops near our campus.
Reply 15
Dressing up to go out is an integral part of unversity life!
You have to try it, at least once? Its all in the fun of things, and if you're one of the only ones not to it does look a bit silly.
I live for themed nights, and especially wednesday nights which is when all the sports teams dress up.
Some people take it very seriously. One guy I lived with made a giant set of plane wings to attatch to his back and other turned a cardboard box into an i-pod. I am not really bothered about dressing up and find very specific themes a little restricting like chavs or pirates for example. I prefer ones that are things like when I grow up I want to be or come dressed as the letter S...
Reply 17
Some people take it very seriously. One guy I lived with made a giant set of plane wings to attatch to his back and other turned a cardboard box into an i-pod. I am not really bothered about dressing up and find very specific themes a little restricting like chavs or pirates for example. I prefer ones that are things like when I grow up I want to be or come dressed as the letter S...

Agreed. And I personally enjoy themed nights out, usually more fun than when you go normally dressed.. :smile:
Reply 18
I used to find the idea a bit naff, but then I went to Leeds. In Leeds you don't bat an eye when you see people fully dressed in all sorts of weird outfits in the middle of the day walking down the road. I love that about it. Everyone really makes an effort, as Otley Runs are so popular, and it's always fun to see what people have managed to make and come up with.