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Reply 3

Thanks. ^o)

Also, I really enjoyed reading that. Bookmarked it, not that that'll help. :wink: I agree with a lot of it, I don't see a lot of stuff that I don't know already, but it's completely right, and it's nice to see written down. :smile: Definitely recommended reading - will pass on to people who haven't seen it. Thanks for that, avalanche. :smile:

(Though I can only assume your choice of thread title was meant to attract attention; it doesn't seem in the same spirit as the article at all.)

Edit: oh, I get the title. :p: It looks like you're questioning whether people can really be depressed or not. I understand now. :biggrin:
Reply 5
Thanks. ^o)

I very nearly used the same emote and asked why you felt the need to correct a link I'd already corrected, but I decided it was too stupid and condescending.
Reply 6
well anyway it helps me a little, it sounds like the best thing for depression is distraction. Though this will probably help in the short term I don't about the long term.
Reply 7
Hehehe - the just making someone elses day better. Good tip. May not make you feel better but it stops you feeling useless.
I very nearly used the same emote and asked why you felt the need to correct a link I'd already corrected, but I decided it was too stupid and condescending.

Because I didn't know you'd corrected it, because I generally assume that what's inside quote tags is a quote and don't bother to read it for tiny little changes of three letters (because if you change a quote, it's not a quote any more). I guessed you were just pointing out that the link was broken. And if I didn't spot that you'd changed it, there'll be others who won't have either. No harm done.
Reply 9
Hey, you whipped out the smiley, not me.
well anyway it helps me a little, it sounds like the best thing for depression is distraction. Though this will probably help in the short term I don't about the long term.

No I don't know either :s-smilie: I was talking to my counsellor the other day, and she said that being too busy can stop you from realising what you really feel and why you feel it. She believes a combination is best.

Useful link, thanks :smile: I wish I had friends like that who would do those kinds of ideas for me.
Surely keeping busy is only a temporay measure. You are one day going to have a break.
Re: The original poster, the Principle of my college said I looked very depressed the other day although personally I don't think I am.
Reply 13
Surely keeping busy is only a temporay measure. You are one day going to have a break.

That's what I thought. I'd prefer a way that stops depressing thoughts in the first place rather than just keeping busy so you don't have time to think them.
That's what I thought. I'd prefer a way that stops depressing thoughts in the first place rather than just keeping busy so you don't have time to think them.


I like distractions. I go on walks and am planning to go swimming next week (might take that up as a hobby as I used to love swimming and haven't been in ages - I miss it really). But even if I get some time when I am too distracted to think the depressing thoughts, they will come back when I go to bed or whatever.

And I can't be bothered fighting depression, because I'm depressed.

OOF @ teh vicious circle.

And I can't be bothered fighting depression, because I'm depressed.

OOF @ teh vicious circle.

:hugs: :dito:

I know that feeling too well. :frown:
Reply 17
aww that was really nice of you :smile:
However the list there I have done it all, however nobody makes me happy :frown:
They just go aww your so sweet, awww yay yippe yo yo , and after that they forget who you are poo.
Stupid Depression :frown:
Reply 18

And I can't be bothered fighting depression, because I'm depressed.

OOF @ teh vicious circle.

aww i hope it becomes better for you , i know the feeling its a horrible horrible problem.
I mean you just cant fight it no more :frown:

well anyway it helps me a little, it sounds like the best thing for depression is distraction. Though this will probably help in the short term I don't about the long term.

Agreed, i guess the depression will always be there in the background but can be forgotten about to an extent for a short period of time but will always come back :frown: