The Student Room Group

what exactly does a "Temp Ongoing" job mean?


I got a call from an agency telling me that I've got a job and to go to the head office of this company at 9am Monday. It sounded to me like I actually have the job, but do I really have the job, or will I go there and they will just interview me first? I passed a numerical test when I joined this agency, but I don't understand how this company will just take me on, when they haven't seen me in person?

They described the job as temp but ongoing. What does this mean exactly? Does it mean it can turn into permanent if I'm good at the job? I've had agencies waste a lot of my time, and I'm wondering whether this is just another silly interview (even though there was no mention of an interview) or if I'm just worrying too much :confused:

Thanks for your help.
Reply 1
I am taking a stab in the dark here, but if you're signed up to a temp agency, then maybe temporary ongoing means that the work is going on for the forseeable future but is only temporary, and they will tell you when it's finished. So like it's temporary but they don't know how long for. Only a guestimate though.
Reply 2
thanks for the reply. You could be right, though its not a temp agency, so I'm not sure.
Reply 3
You have a job.
Reply 4
I think it basically means that they don't know when they will need you to, but that it won't be permanent.