The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Eww, chickenpox. I remember having that when i was a young lad trying to enjoy my holiday, it was horrible.

(sorry for the irrelevance :p:)
Do you have a right to be angry? About what? The fact that your cousin caused your chicken pox scar when you were kids?

No of course not, don't be silly. God grief how long could you possibly hold a grudge over an accident for? I doubt as a kid he even knew that chicken pox can cause scarring. Don't be so melodramatic.

I have a chicken pox scar on my left cheek - it's quite large but I don't even notice it any more because I'm so used to it.

They're scars - nothing you can do about it short of maybe cosmetic surgery. Don't worry about them.
I have a couple of scars on my face. I quite like them to be honest...they are cool. One runs vertically down the centre of the bit between my nose and top lip. No idea how I got that one but I like it.
Reply 4
Do you have a right to be angry? About what? The fact that your cousin caused your chicken pox scar when you were kids?

No of course not, don't be silly. God grief how long could you possibly hold a grudge over an accident for? I doubt as a kid he even knew that chicken pox can cause scarring. Don't be so melodramatic.

I have a chicken pox scar on my left cheek - it's quite large but I don't even notice it any more because I'm so used to it.

They're scars - nothing you can do about it short of maybe cosmetic surgery. Don't worry about them.

hm ok but its just so ..typical of him lol hes rough its annoying if it had of happened to him his mum would bring it up now and again, well she brings up the fact every now and again that I accidently snapped his CD when I was 6, saying how clumsy I am and I have never mentioned the scar.

I don't notice the cheek one either, theres no point in cosmetic surgery I bet hardly anyone notices but me.
I have a tiny scar/dent on my forehead where my sister shot me with an umbrella :laugh: I can hardly find it now. Dont worry too much about what you can't change.
I've one on my upper lip from being run over by a car when i was 3, no chicken pox ones!
Reply 7
I've one on my upper lip from being run over by a car when i was 3, no chicken pox ones!

Aww! How scary! :eek: I have so so so so so many little dents, some from chicken pox but most from acne, I don't care though :biggrin: I think they're interesting and I actually think that if I had the chance to get rid of them then I wouldn't. My visible pores on the other hand...
Aww! How scary! :eek: I have so so so so so many little dents, some from chicken pox but most from acne, I don't care though :biggrin: I think they're interesting and I actually think that if I had the chance to get rid of them then I wouldn't. My visible pores on the other hand...

Hehe, i quite like it, scars are COOL, i like to think they show a person of adventure :p:
And its always a story to tell when people ask how come i got it :p:
Reply 9
i have a couple of tiny dents in my face where i used to pick at my spots, but now i don't have many spots anymore, all these dents have appeared where i've chewed out the skin, i have a few bigger ones and millions of pin prick ones all on my forhead. i don't like them but i don't notice them most of the time. :smile:
I have a small scar on my lip from when I was a kid and whacked it on a piano in the middle of a pillow fight. Any sensible dude would have got whacked by the pillow, but not me. :rofl: :rofl: