The Student Room Group

I'm probably overanalysing...

(posting as anon as there are people on here I don't want to know about this!!!)

In fact, I know I am, but I guess I'm kinda wanting to rant and get it out of
my system. Well, not rant, as such, but get it out of my head!!

Basically, my best friend became my boyfriend about a week ago! I'm super happy about it, and things seem to be going really well. We've both decided not to tell people because we'd get a lot of "I told you so's" from them, and kinda want to see how it's going to pan out without all the pressure from other people. We've both told our parents though, lol!

The other night I told him I wanted to tell my housemate because she's a really good friend to both of us, and has wanted us to get together for ages. He told me that him and his ex had decided that when either of them started seeing anyone they'd tell each other - I'm perfectly fine with that, they split up over a year ago and are still really good friends.

So anywho, last night we were talking, he told me I was "awesome", lol, highest form of compliment I can get from him :P and then started talking about his ex, and how he still loves her a hell of a lot, and it kinda got me wondering. He does still talk about her a lot, and about 3 months ago he was giving serious thought about getting back together with her. I know I'm over thinking things, because if there was still the same level of love between them they probably would have got back together.

I guess I'm just scared that he's only decided to get together with me to sort of fill the void.

Yup, I'm just over thinking things! Lol!

I think he probably just still feels love for his ex girlfriend in that they probably were very close and shared a lot of time/emotions/feelings together so there will always be some sort of connection. However this does not mean that he is "in love" with her and i think that you can be sure that he is choosing to be with YOU and you arent just there to fill a void.
I think its definetely a good thing that he can talk to you about his ex - maybe not all the time but personally id feel a lot more insecure if i knew he was talking to her/about her lots behind my back: but the fact that he is quite open about it i think shows that he isnt hiding anything and is just sharing his feelings with you?
I totally understand your anxiety though; and maybe you could just let him know your worries and im sure he would dismiss them and reassure you?

but :hugs: and congrats on getting together with him! some of my mates who have the best relationships formed from friendship first and are the most stable and trusting relationships of all.

Hope it works out for you xxx