The Student Room Group


Ok, this might seem crude, but I'm genuinely curious about some things.

Does every girl have a different smell 'down there'? Or is it divided nicely into fishy and smelly, sweet smelling etc?

Basically, my ex had a slightly fishy one and I never went near with my mouth, even if my fingers were all over it. My current one doesn't smell bad, but isn't totally nice either. Weird. Does this mean anything?

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HAHAHAHA the title made me laugh.

"divided niceley into fishy etc" We are all allocated a different smell that is divided into distinct and identical odours to fish..... does it mean anything?? it means she has a usual amount of healthy bacteria to stop infection. Any problems?

It changes depending on time of cycle during the month and hormone changes and diet of the individual.
^^^ they've edited the title.
blast it.
Damn, what was the original tittle? It's a little confusing for the slightly dim now...

As for smell, I swear most guys thought they smelt great, beats me why, but from experience.... as long as they wash often enough and aren't on their period...
Reply 6
I've never understood why the smell has been likened to fish. I don't think girls smell like fish at all.
Damn, what was the original tittle? It's a little confusing for the slightly dim now...

the clues in the you tube video i posted up on the second post.
The answer to that is probably SHOWER. Yeah. I think that's it.

Reply 9
Juvenile Delinquent
The answer to that is probably SHOWER. Yeah. I think that's it.


Overcleaning can make the problem worse by killing off the natural bacteria 'down there'.
Reply 10
Sorry for the confusion. Added a few words to the original post.

So its better for a girl to smell fishy down there? :redface:
not unless shes a mermaid....
Reply 12
I still don't get the whole "girls smell fishy" thing. Personally, I would say that girls smell and taste a whole lot better than guys do.
Reply 13
I still don't get the whole "girls smell fishy" thing. Personally, I would say that girls smell and taste a whole lot better than guys do.

I’m presuming first-hand experience of both for you to be able to say that?
Reply 14
Ha ha - yes.
Reply 15
fishy smell is not normal! she probably mst likely have bacterial vaginosis! she shud go to the gp and get soem antibiotics to fight the bacteria that r causin the smell. she myt also have a fungal infection,so she shud get checked. does she have a blocked nose to to smell it herself? vaginal health is vital as unhealthy ones will cause fertility probs wen infections get worse, most gals i kno r too shy to see doctors for down there problems ::s-smilie:

the natural vagina smell is sweetish.
Andrzej S. and Jelkin
I’m presuming first-hand experience of both for you to be able to say that?


Ha ha - yes.

Well, that little snipe at Jelkin failed didn't it? :redface:

Anyways in response, no it doesn't mean anything
Reply 17
Ha ha - yes.


Well, that little snipe at Jelkin failed didn't it? :redface:

lol – Nah, I’m just joking around. No sniping. :biggrin:
Reply 18
:smile: I wasn't sure before.

*gasps* YOU'RE FROM POOLE :eek:
Maybe you're just not into smell?

I heard that if you eat fruit such as cranberries then it can make a change. I haven't tried it though.