She definitely has a right to be upset. I mean I have no idea what these things are that you want her to change, but the fact is that you were dishonest, you withheld these things from her. This may not be in the same league but imagine if she did something like this to you, say misrepresented her religious beliefs to you, then you fell for her and she revealed the truth. How upset would you be then?
If you have strict criteria, then you should be honest about them upfront. If you keep them hidden, only to spring them on someone after they develop feelings for you, it appears to me like you've trapped the person. This may be intentional or not, but that's how it seems to me.
And maybe your girlfriend is upset that throughout the relationship, she presumed your feelings towards her were unconditional, and now she's found out that in fact there are some "strict criteria" that she doesn't fulfill, and that her worth to you is dependant on her bending to what you want. Perhaps there are things about YOU that she dislikes and would like you to change, but has kept quiet because she has that unconditional love and respect for you. I can't say because I don't know either of you and there's not enough information for me to go on, but it's something to think about.
Bottom line is you appear to have decieved her and yes she has every right to be angry with you.