The Student Room Group

Careers in town planning

I thought this might be of interest to any university student with an interest in the environment - or anyone doing a geography-related degree.

There is currently a huge shortage of town planners across local government and given the amount of construction that is currently taking place (and due to take place in the near future), if there are future graduates who are looking for a career where you can strongly influence what does and does not get built in your area, have a look at:


To get an idea of what planning jobs are like, have a look at the job descriptions on the planning jobs at typing in "planner" in the keyword search.

All the best

Reply 1
Hi PR,

I am going to start as a Transport Planner next month, is there anything that you can advise me to swot-up on before I start?
Is there a weekly/monthly magazine I can read?

Reply 2
Hi PR,

I am going to start as a Transport Planner next month, is there anything that you can advise me to swot-up on before I start?
Is there a weekly/monthly magazine I can read?


Google-search basic guides to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Road Traffic Act of 1984.

It depends on which part of the system you are working in. If its policy you'll need to look at DfTs recent announcements - and the Planning White Paper from

Alternatively have a browse through the Highways Agency pages or those of the County/unitary/metropolitan council nearest you.

Good luck!