The Student Room Group

My Past Haunts Me

I went to a boarding school and as teenagers our testosterone levels ran high quite often. Anyway we used to help ourselves masturbate in the hostel as in I jerked off other guys and other guys did the same to me. Yes you could say that was clearly gay but we were just being childish and experimenting with our manhood. The memory of it is something I detest so much and it hurts deep inside of me even now few years after. I have a girlfriend now who trusts me so much and has never kept anything from me to the best of my knowlege. Should i tell her about this as I have a feeling she could find out in the future and I dont know how she will react. I'm also concerned that I might be blackmailed by one of the guys involved back then in the future.

The whole thing depresses me a lot and I'd like to hear your views especially if you are also in the same situation.

Reply 1
you know what, if my boyfriend told me that and laughed about it as he said it, i'd probably be rather amused. in any case, i doubt i'd freak out and dump him
How would she find out exactly?

And if you feel depressed you need to go to your GP and explain the situation, obviously you don't have to tell him the details but you can ask him to refer to you a counsellor/therapist or whatever.

To be honest I don't think what you're describing is that common...

Are you gay? If not, I don't see why you care that you did something that some gay people enjoy doing, since there was clearly no gay intention in it.

As for your girlfriend, pff. I wouldn't dump you, I'd think it was quite funny that you were so worked up about something so insignificant.
yeah, but if you tell her just make sure she's not the kinda girl who's going to use it against you when you break up.
Reply 5

Sorry first time I've heard of that. Um, I tend to tell my girlfriend everything after a few months. (about my past)
Reply 6
Well never gone that far but when my flat mate kissed me, he told his gf and she found it all quite funny.
Reply 7
I'd find it HAWT. :biggrin:
Id laugh my arse off at it it not something i would even consider ending a relationship over
why even tell her?..its unlikely shell find out..noones going to black mail you as they did it too.

i think you need to calm down, you dont have to tell her EVERYTHING.. id be suprised if she hasnt a similar sort of experience as we all went through a weird phases when we were trying to understand/deal with the changes in our bodies...

, i may be rare in this but i dont share every little detail about my past with a bf, why do they need to know? a gf id also feel unsure as what im meant to do/say to such a confession, id probably rather not know as it seems so insignificant

ps of COURSE shes kept stuff from you..dont flatter yourself
Reply 10
Thanks everyone for understanding. I thought the response I was going to get would be critical and judgemental but everyone dealt with this in a mature manner. Your responses have definitely relieved some of the tension and I'm glad I shared this with you guys. I think keeping it to myself all this while was a major source of my worries.
Children do these things, my friend and I did similar when we were about 8. It's innocent curiosity and means nothing at all.

Calm down.
Reply 12
Children do these things, my friend and I did similar when we were about 8. It's innocent curiosity and means nothing at all.

Calm down.

8?!?! bloody hell i don't even think i knew what a vagina was when i was that age
8?!?! bloody hell i don't even think i knew what a vagina was when i was that age

And where, might I ask, did you think your urine came from? Anywhere even vaguely nearby?
Reply 14
And where, might I ask, did you think your urine came from? Anywhere even vaguely nearby?

You know, as soon as i posted that i knew you'd say that. Predictable huh? :rolleyes: I meant sexually... obviously? :confused:
Reply 15
destroy the evidence.
Reply 16
I went to a boarding school and as teenagers our testosterone levels ran high quite often. Anyway we used to help ourselves masturbate in the hostel as in I jerked off other guys and other guys did the same to me. Yes you could say that was clearly gay but we were just being childish and experimenting with our manhood. The memory of it is something I detest so much and it hurts deep inside of me even now few years after. I have a girlfriend now who trusts me so much and has never kept anything from me to the best of my knowlege. Should i tell her about this as I have a feeling she could find out in the future and I dont know how she will react. I'm also concerned that I might be blackmailed by one of the guys involved back then in the future.

The whole thing depresses me a lot and I'd like to hear your views especially if you are also in the same situation.


you let another guy jerk you off?? wtf were you thinking??? :confused:
Reply 17
If you take it seriously, it could sound quite uncomfortable. But if you take it as a childhood joke, it could be a very funny story to laugh at. We all did stupid things back in the day, no?