The Student Room Group


ok heres how it goes. Ex girlfriend breaks up with me, 8 weeks ago i think. Anyway, she tries to frame me for following her, when it was mere coincidence that she was at the same macdonalds, and she decided to drive the same route that i need to take to my house. Also she has decided to tell everyone about my personal life. It is pretty mucked up and i have felt like commiting suicide on the odd occasion, as my mother passed away a few months ago now. She has told all my mates absolutely everything!!! Please can anyone advise me on how to stop her, she is ruining my life now. PLEASE I AM IN URGENT NEED OF HELP! CAN I GET THE POLICE INVOLVED?
Reply 1
if you feel its harrassment then it might be worth reporting. any ideas why shes gone so basket case?
any ideas why shes gone so basket case?

Maybe because she's a girl...? We do these things sometimes, it sucks, I know. Have you tried talking to her just to point out the obvious (ie that you're not interested in following her and that she should keep her mouth shut, though in a nicer way)? I'm really sorry and hope things work out :smile:
i agree with ^^^
talk to her seriously and see what happens before filing for harrasment.
good luck :smile:
p.s. feel free to PM me if you want to talk to a perfect stranger(hey it works)
chin up
Talking to her is probably the best idea, like other people have said. But you have to employ some tact and don't just rush into it. Chances are she's hurting a whole lot from the split and (even if it may have been mutual or her breaking it off with you) she's trying to cause you the same amount of pain she's feeling. I'm not saying she's right, just that if you approach her too harshly it'll probably make things worse.

Have a private chat with her, explain it all, talk out whatever both of you may be feeling and see where it goes from there. That her hurting you won't make her hurt less.