hey new here! just needed some advice on problems with ex..
me and my ex broke up a couple of months ago..(he ended it due to ''family problems'') however around a week later i caught him with his ex girlfriend and im pretty sure it was her and couple of people i know have seen them together. i didnt mention it to him that i saw him..and so he thinks i don't know about this. we still kept in contact (even though it was mega hard to talk to him knowing that he was back with his ex) i dont know why i just thought there was no point in asking him because i know what i saw.
anyway..few months down the line now..and all of a sudden we seem to talk alot more..he rang me randomnly and we were on the phone for hours and have been for the past few days. is there a chance he's broken up with her..thing is i still really have feelings for him and even though i know he's been a jerk to me IF there was a chance we could still get back together- would i be a silly for getting back with him? what would you do if you were in my position?
sorry for the essay lol..thankyou for any replies! x