The Student Room Group
Reply 1
whats a form captain :s-smilie:
well....... if its hustings for form captain we just had a general class vote between two people chosen for form & vice captain & the 1 with the most votes was form captain. If you can prove you are reliable & trustworthy you will make a very good form captain!:smile: Good luck with the voting I enjoyed being form & vice captain for 7 terms. ahhh memories:smile:
Reply 3
whats a form captain :s-smilie:

I think it's a pubic school thing :biggrin:

We had a post 16 student council, of which I was a divisional chair. To become chair, you basically had to be in the Principal's pocket... it was about as democratic as Sparta.
Reply 4
Hmm the trouble really is, that's its up to the 5 years below sixth form and they basically decide on who's the Form Captain for the whole school for that form...
oh you make it sound so geekish & it really isnt im averagely academic & i have just left a average girls grammar school not a public school.. i was form captain & vice captain to listen to & help my form tutor & be useful to my friends in my class up to year 11.. last year i was a House Captain & we organised sports days & assemblies & charity events :smile:
Reply 6
Heh, I hate all these school things because whenever it becomes 'democratic' and you're voted for it, it just becomes a popularity contest and the most incompetent people become head boys/girls. We have House Captains too, but it's so much work that not many people want to do it so it's an entirely voluntary thing.
It won't improve your university chances.
Anyway, you should want to do it to help your form, not to spruce up the old Personal Statement.
Oh and ditto Excalibur about the popularity contest. Such a farce.
Become a prefect/head boy, thats much better :smile:
It's better, but unis really won't care that much...
Reply 11
I think it's a pubic school thing :biggrin:

heh i have no idea why but that made me giggle. how immature am i.

:s-smilie: so was my college the only one not to have captains :s-smilie:
Reply 12
heh i have no idea why but that made me giggle. how immature am i.

:s-smilie: so was my college the only one not to have captains :s-smilie:

It wasn't deliberate. Honest. :p:
Reply 13
I'm sorry to spoil the party, but I hear that universities don't care at all. Because obviously the system for appointing them is different in different schools; it might be a popularity contest with teachers, peers, brown-nosing challenge they don't care! But I'd say try and volunteer for positions of responsibility and offer advice to loads of people, and just generally be nice and suck-up.
I don't know how being voted by everyone for being nice to them would make you a brilliant candidate for a university and will put you right at the front of the queue.

I think it is pointless to do something because apparently it will improve your chances for a place at whatever university. Most universities will see right through you mate, if you do just for that. How desperate are you to ask a bunch of kids on a forum? It's ridiculous.
Reply 15
Form captain = popularity contest. I won it once the first term of Year 9, though I was pretty much the unnofficial form captain in the later years because I was the argumentative one who always incited everyone else to complain about whatever issue it was we disagreed with!

Basically it is just a popularity contest. To get votes from the kids, you need to be popular, to get votes from the teachers, you need to be a nerd and popular. We ended up with one upper sixth captain who wasn't popular at all, and he wasn't even clever (though he was a nerd, just a nerd who got crap grades!), so I think in some cases an element of ethnicity comes into it (otherwise the captains would have been entirely made up of English people :s-smilie:).
Oh and ditto Excalibur about the popularity contest. Such a farce.

^ Jealousy. ;yes;

Though of course, he makes a good point. Universities don't care if you're form captain. Hell, I don't even know what form captain means, they're not gonna care much. :p:
Reply 17
Put up loads of humourous posters slandering your competitors e.g. accuse them of incest, bestiality, not wiping the toilet seat etc.

Furthermore, you can give out sweets to people, though that can leave you wide open to attack for obvious reasons.
Reply 18
I was 6th form President for 2 years consecutively - I did it by organising a total redecoration of the common room, throwing a couple of good parties and organising a local part time job database for students (this was in the days before EMA when all my peers had jobs!). It was without a doubt a popularity contest and had I not organised those parties or ensured the common room refurb included sky tv I wouldn't have won. In the end I didn't even put it on my PS as it just sounded a bit w***y and brown noser ish!

I'm not knocking anyone who was form captain or anything, just my opinion!