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How to Stop Grinding Teeth/Clenching Jaw

I've been told by my new dentist that I either grind my teeth in my sleep or clench my jaw during the day (my jaw clicks when I open it wide)

I asked my bf and he said sometimes I go grind teeth in my sleep... How can I stop this!? The dentist said a gum shield but I imagine it will cost a lot and I can't wear a normal sports one because they make me gag...

Should I ask my bf to wake me up every time I do it? Will that help condition me not to do it!?

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Reply 1
i do it do. i had to have a gum shield made by the dentist.
waking you up every time wouldnt stop you doing it but would prevent it from happening (if you get that :s-smilie:) so ideally you need one.
you can only really stop yourself consciously clenching your jaw. chances are you wont realise your doing it so you should start looking out for it.
Reply 2
My mother has to wear a special gum shield at night as well.

I occasionally grind my teeth (usually when stressed) & find that I get toothache, headaches etc & I think that you are literally grinding your teeth down over time!

I would recommend getting the gum shield - ask the dentist how much it costs, but I think it would be worth it to avoid potentially damaging your teeth in the future.
Reply 3
I grind my teeth near enough every night and havent gotten a gum shield cus I know I wouldnt wear it. Theyre like £30 to have one specially made to fit your mouth, so if you think you'll wear it it might be a good idea.
Reply 4
£30 is not too bad!

I would wear it because I wouldn't want to risk bigger problems in later life.
Reply 5
My friend had this problem and now has (on her dentist's advice) this massive piece of ribbon which she fiddles with before she goes to sleep, and has in her hand all night. Bizarre, but has worked!
Reply 6
My friend had this problem and now has (on her dentist's advice) this massive piece of ribbon which she fiddles with before she goes to sleep, and has in her hand all night. Bizarre, but has worked!

I might give this a go lol.
well, if you don't get a gum shield or bite splint then the grinding could result in TMJ which is when your jaw spasms cos u've put so much pressure on it. I did this and was so painful i ended up having to have physio therapy. My bite splint cost £70 but i had to have an extrememly strong one as i'd already done alot of damage when i was given it. if they make u a soft one then theyre much cheaper. But in the end the price is worth not putting ur jaw out altogether.
oh my other piece of advice to to do something relaxing before bed. the main cause of clenching and griding is stress so make sure ure relaxed when u go to bed. if u have any emotional probelms sort them out asap
Reply 9
I had to get a gum sheild for the same reason, mine was made by my dentist and cost me £40.
Reply 10
If you dont get something done about it now it will only get worse and like others have said it will end up in you getting TMJ which is really painful in your joints in your jaw.

I'd suggest getting a bite splint or maybe even just a normal guard, i have a plastic retainer on my lowers which covers the whole of my teeth and stops me grinding my teeth. There are many options to consider :smile:
I sometimes have dreams my teeth are falling off- quite often. So I grind- what are the major problems of it.
dadamafia I sometimes have dreams my teeth are falling off- quite often. So I grind- what are the major problems of it.

yer i had alot of dreams similar to that, that i am griding my teeth as they feel loose and keep griding until they seem to pop out or break.i'm not sure if in reality i am grinding or wether it is just a dream.
Reply 13
well the gum shield from the dentist isnt rely a gum shield, more of this thin layer of like plastic, transparent and u get used to it and dont rely notice it, and neways, most people grow out of it and only do it for a certain amount of time, only a few continue it until adulthood?!?!
try posting on the dentistry part if u dun get a gd answer!
Reply 14
i didnt realise i ground my teeth until i got my braces off and got retainers. ive worn holes in them from grinding, apparently down to stress. the dentists not worried though.
Definitely go get a gum shield!

Not only can you get jaw problems, but you can really damage your teeth if it's bad enough - I ended up grinding some of my baby teeth right down into the gum, which was incredibly painful. And now my adult teeth are chipped and slightly oddly shapen in places because I started again during my GCSE's and didn't get to the dentist quick enough :frown: It's not much fun to wear, but your teeth are important!
Reply 16
Shakey Jake
yer i had alot of dreams similar to that, that i am griding my teeth as they feel loose and keep griding until they seem to pop out or break.i'm not sure if in reality i am grinding or wether it is just a dream.

this is the exact thing i had!!. Should we be worried :frown:
Reply 17
Another q.. my mother has suggested that if my tooth grinding is nightly it could be the cause of my chronic headaches.. but if that is the case I only started doing it 1.25 years ago.. Is that possible?
yes, its possible. u have to grnd for quite a while before u do enough damage for it to click. could be up to 1.5 years. mine was clicking for quite a while before i noticed. we only noticed it when my mother started complaining about the clicking she heard every meal time. lol, it was causing me terrible ear ache and tension headaches so yes it is very possible
Reply 19
Thanks ellsbells! My bf is seeing the dentist today so I asked him to mention it for me.