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hey i have a massssssssssive crush on this guyy but the thing is he seems to blank me..
ive known him for about a month..
we work together but he doesnt seem to say 2 words to me :frown:
i only get a small smile when i walk in

i dotn know why..
i dont smell LOL
and hes like friends withe everyone elsee..laughing joking etc

am i barking up the wrong treee? is he just plain rude? or is there a reason behind the silence?

x P x
Reply 1
Why not try talking to him. He does aknowledge you are there but if you have only known him for a month, he will hvae better relationships with your coworkers who have worked there longer.
Reply 2
have you asked him if you can suck the lollipop?

That'll get his attention if he likes you :smile:
Maybe he's shy?
Sounds incredably shy. try starting a conversation with him, or ask for the time or something?
good luck x
Reply 5
lol at samba..

thank you guys..yer he does seem reallllllllllllllllyy shy...

bt threes a girl that started working a day before me..and theyre are very close..always talking/joking..

he never seems to pay mee any attention!!
Reply 6
i think i have figured out what's the problem here...

...he doesn't like you.
Reply 7
i think i have figured out what's the problem here...

...he doesn't like you.

that i think i subconsciously knew!
but why?:s-smilie: :s-smilie: :s-smilie: :s-smilie: :confused: :frown:
that i think i subconsciously knew!
but why?:s-smilie: :s-smilie: :s-smilie: :s-smilie: :confused: :frown:

I suppose we'd need to know you better than a name on a forum :smile:

If we knew why people didn't like each other we'd be millionnaires.

Theres plenty more fish in the sea though eh?:wink: