great college, wouldn't go anywhere else. people are really nice, nobody really bothers whether you were from a state or a public school - to be honest, i think most of my friends are public school or internationals (never bothered asking, and they certainly don't behave like the stereotype), but nobody cares, we all mix and have fun.
there are some people that fit the description, but they generally tend to gravitate towards each other and leave the rest alone, so the rest of the 90% of the college can get on with socializing. 'sides, with 160 a year, or thereabouts, there's more than enough people for you to find your niche.
(also, in my limited personal experience, these people are also not really that bad, they are just more comfortable with others of their "own kind". if you bother to reach out and befriend them, most of them are actually really nice people, if somewhat odd-behaving and sounding
oh, and lavish lifestyles is up to you - but many of us are running near subsistence level, some slightly below and depending on the good graces of bank overdraft officials. so don't worry about being labelled a miser...
oh, and one of the more sociable and popular girls in my year happens to have been state schooled and proud of the fact, so, nope, state schooling doesn't matter. AT ALL. personality does (she's sociable, duh).
final thing - does your insertion of the word "male" have any significance?
P.S. - i'm a huge proponent of following your "gut feelings" when choosing colleges: if you like it, it's probably right for you. so go for it, and don't let other dissuade you.