The Student Room Group

Getting back into studying after illness

(Sorry if this is in the wrong section, mods- I'm a newbie!)

I generally love my schoolwork- it's in my personality makeup to enjoy it- but I haven't been properly working for a year because of ill-health. I started my "final" year in autumn 06, suffering from severe clinical depression, and it soon became obvious that I wasn't going to be able to finish. So I have not really been working at all for the past six months, which is not exactly ideal, but the school weren't happy with me being there because I wasn't coping at all, was having panic attacks all the time, etc. I am going back to school this autumn, and I want to be well and ready to work hard.

Any advice on how to get back into regular studying? I'm still not very well and chronically tired, and schoolwork is a major anxiety-inducer, so I have been procrastinating a great deal. I'm sort of afraid that I won't be any good at the work, which I am told is irrational, but it's a very strong feeling... :/
I suppose all you can really do is ease back into it gently. Don't try and do too much at once, don't let yourself feel overwhelmed and and don't be afraid to take a break if you start feeling ill. It might help to have some sort of loose timetable as well, just to get you into a pattern of when you'll work and how much you'll do. Hope you feel better soon :smile:
Reply 2
I suppose all you can really do is ease back into it gently. Don't try and do too much at once, don't let yourself feel overwhelmed and and don't be afraid to take a break if you start feeling ill. It might help to have some sort of loose timetable as well, just to get you into a pattern of when you'll work and how much you'll do. Hope you feel better soon :smile:

Thanks :smile: That sounds pretty sensible.
Reply 3
Are you sure you're ready to go back?
Reply 4
Are you sure you're ready to go back?

I don't know how I would know if I was ready, to be honest, but I have to be ready; that's non-negotiable. I can't miss another year.
Reply 5
Hope you feel better soon. Maybe you should start with something quite easy that you'll enjoy, so it won't seem too bad at first. Also, remember to take regular breaks.

Good luck!