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A girl is bugging me

Basically a week on Friday me and a friend helped out at his little sisters 12th birthday party and she and her friends were telling us where to put the balloons and place the tables etc and we were laughing with her mates the one of them asked for my number jokingly and I said sorry I don't know it myself laughing. On the saturday after one of them, a 14 year old kid, sent me a text message saying thanks for helping we had a good time btw I like you. I asked my friend how his sisters friend got my number and he asked his sister who said she 'saw' it on his (my friends) phone and told her friend since she asked for it.:rolleyes: She has sent 7 messages since and I replied to one saying please don't text as im busy but then another 5 came over the last four days. She has also rang up twice and Ive said I can't talk. My friend thinks its funny and told me to text '**** off' to see what she says but should I just keep ignoring them?

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give it a couple of days and see if she gets over her 'crush' meanwhile your doing the right thing in sending clear messages that your not interested.
Reply 2
Don't tell her to F off its a bit insensitive considering she's only 14. She's just got a crush on you, if you ignore the messages she'll soon tire of it, get the message and focus her attentions on someone else soon enough.
Reply 3
Good, I thought maybe there was a better way to handle it, she is just bored and needs someone to hassle I can imagine them all her and her mates giggling while she types messages.
She's only fourteen, it's a school girl crush. Ignoring them won't do much -- either it'll encourage her into trying harder or hurt her. The excitement of an, excuse the phrase, "older man", is probably more appealing to her than anything. At that age girls can be oddly stubborn, even when it's quite clear the person isn't interested. I think, for both of you, the best way would be to explain to her that you're really not interested, apologise, and basically just let her down gently. For all it might be a bit of fun for her, she's still only a kid, so anything too harsh might put her off boys for a while.
Tell her to wait 2 years...

Seriously though, I wouldn't tell her to f' off as it'll probably really upset to just tell her straight that she's too young for you
Reply 6
Your avatar rocks by the way! Stitch rules :biggrin:

Keep ignoring her - if you text her, even if it's a 'leave me alone' text, she'll feel privileged that you've at least texted her! If you ignore her she'll get bored and it sends out the clear message that you're not interested.
Reply 7
She's only fourteen, it's a school girl crush. Ignoring them won't do much -- either it'll encourage her into trying harder or hurt her. The excitement of an, excuse the phrase, "older man", is probably more appealing to her than anything. At that age girls can be oddly stubborn, even when it's quite clear the person isn't interested. I think, for both of you, the best way would be to explain to her that you're really not interested, apologise, and basically just let her down gently. For all it might be a bit of fun for her, she's still only a kid, so anything too harsh might put her off boys for a while.

She'l keep on pestering even if I ignore her:confused: I thought that any reply would make her send more. One things certain my mates no help, I'l wait and see, its just im also waiting for calls from employers as Ive applied for 2 jobs so shes kinda getting in the way. Though they probably won't ring.

Yea stitch is the best :biggrin:
Change your number? Or slightly less drastically, perhaps say you have a girlfriend who doesn't like her texting you. If she wont leave you alone threaten to tell her parents about her stalking :smile:
Reply 9
maybe instead of texting her you could ask your friend to pass on the message via his sister? You texting her will most likely only aggrevate the situation.
She'l keep on pestering even if I ignore her:confused: I thought that any reply would make her send more. One things certain my mates no help, I'l wait and see, its just im also waiting for calls from employers as Ive applied for 2 jobs so shes kinda getting in the way. Though they probably won't ring.

Yea stitch is the best :biggrin:

If the girls I went to school with are anything to go by, then yes. She might get bored and move on to someone else eventually, but fourteen year old girls are amazingly stubborn and easily transfixed. If your friend isn't going to help, you're going to have to tell her yourself. If it is all just for a bit of a laugh with her friends, you answering when you phones might scare her off. Either way I think you need to talk to her and put her straight =]]
Reply 11
I told my friend last week he found it funny but said he'd tell her, I'l tell him again, he's annoying me too
I told my friend last week he found it funny but said he'd tell her, I'l tell him again, he's annoying me too

But if he finds it funny and has the potentional to make it worse, you might want to make sure he's a good enough friend who'd help you out anyway ;D
Reply 13
Hit it anyway.
^Appropriate avatar choice...
Reply 15
Yeah, don't answer her at all and making up a girlfriend sounds like a good idea, I'd be so embarrassed if I found out my crush had a girlfriend and yet I was pestering him.
can you block her number? I've never tried this but was under the impression it could be done (might be imagining things)
Reply 17
Yeah, I'd pretend you have a girlfriend who isn't appreciating these messages. Or just continue to ignore her.

My brother's friends (who are about 11 or 12) keep calling me 'fit' whenever I walk past. It's horrible :P
Reply 18
Either ignore
Tell her to **** off
Do her
Tell her you have no interest and to leave you alone before you call the police. which you won't do, of course.
I have a 14 year old sister and I dont think you need to be too gentle in letting her down. If she doesnt back off within another couple days just ignore her texts and cut off her calls when she tries to phone. She'll probably bitch to her friends about it for a while but then get over it.