There's a girl at my work that I get on with really really well and recently I've been thinking it'd be nice if we could be more than friends. The only problem is that she's got a bf of 2 years (although it seems to me that she's only still with him now for the comfort of stability). I've never gotten the chance to even see her outside of the work environment because when she's not making time for her bf, but she's always tired after work and needs to clean house, etc etc, all that housework stuff.
I've tried asking her, as a friend, just to go out and have a dinner and watch a movie - which I've done with other female friends of mine - but she either cancels or can't make it. It's really frustrating to me because I think there's potential between us, but I'm not sure if she's the type of person to rock the boat and take a risk.
Any solutions or suggestions to my problem would be appreciated. Thanks.