The Student Room Group

oldest mate being a ****

ive been friends with one guy since i was 4, im now 16. recently in our kind of "group" of friends, he thinks its hilarious to slag me off and run me down- he takes every opportunity to make me look stupid! I mean if hes going to be lke that then fine, ill just blank him out but then all my other mates seem to go along with it and join in!! i cant just blank him out because ill lose all my other mates as well that way, and i cant just speak to him about it or have an go at him, and every time i try and stick up for myself all my other mates side with him! i really just dont know what to do really, i cant think of any reason why hed do this, and i normally know when to take hints and just leave but these are all my mates, and this guy who ive known for ages seems to have this effect on everyone! any ideas?
Reply 1
Take him aside and ask him why he's being like that.
and i cant just speak to him about it


Reply 3
Maybe he fancies you. Some guys mock you because they like you so much they're scared and nervous.

And ditto to the above post - why can't you talk to him?

And besides, if these mates would not realise how it's hurting you - side them all down and have a word with them if I were you - but if they refuse to listen and would rather isolate and humiliate you then these were never your friends anyway and you're better off without them.
Reply 4
He's either:

(a) Insecure;
(b) Wanting a bit;
(c) A dick.

A swift kick to the reproducers will sort problem C and, depending upon your situation, B.