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How to get the best tan !!!!!! and tanning oil

What is the best possible way of getting the darkest tan on a week long holiday??
I might be going away for a week in the last week of August to Spain/Canaries/Balaerics kind of places. I want to get the best tan!Ive heard that boat trips are good for getting a tan due to the sea air or something?Also is it a good idea to use tanning oil ?please help!
Not posting this in H&R is a good start.
Reply 2
sit in the back garden topless (if you are a male) or in a bra/bikini if you are a girl. If you lack a garden then go somewhere hot for a holiday or go to a remote secluded park like some random spot in richmond park or somewhere. Failing this give up and be grateful for whatever colour you are:P. DO NOT GET UNDER A SUNBED they are really screwed up and too articial
Moisturise and exfoliate regularly up to (and during) your trip. Perhaps a couple of sessions on the sun bed would be good before you go too.
Reply 4
Take it slowly and use a decent factor sun cream. If you burn, you'll peel quickly.
Reply 5
Im quite fair skinned but i dont burn that easily, is it ok to start with about a factor 20?
Ive heard that boat trips are good for getting a tan due to the sea air or something?please help!
It's actually to do with the reflection on the water.

You could try using a suncream that contains caroten as it brings out the melanin in the skin (melanin is the pigment).
Im quite fair skinned but i dont burn that easily, is it ok to start with about a factor 20?

Higher, I'd say. Go for 30 and work down.
Reply 8
Thanks everyone :smile: Anyone else have any random tips that are good for getting a good tan?? :smile:
Reply 9
Build it up slowly and it will last for longer, also if you exfoliate regularly it will also last longer as you aren't tanning dead skin cells which will come off, you are tanning the 'living' skin cells.

Even though you want a good tan make sure that you dont allow yourself to burn, its painful, bad for you and doesnt necessarily add any more to your tan than if you hadn't burnt
Reply 10
two words...Hawaiian Tropic!! but most of their tanning oils have low spf's so make sure you also use sunscreen of at least spf 30. not burning means a longer lasting tan and no peeling methinks. whether you want to use the oil and sunscreen at the same time is upto you. im not sure what the effect of one has on the other. happy tanning!
Reply 11
What is the best possible way of getting the darkest tan on a week long holiday??
I might be going away for a week in the last week of August to Spain/Canaries/Balaerics kind of places. I want to get the best tan!Ive heard that boat trips are good for getting a tan due to the sea air or something?Also is it a good idea to use tanning oil ?please help!

Just the reflection.

I worked for 3-4mths in portugal on power boats (ie. canto escape from the sun from any angle - i came back black.
I have Hawaiian Tropic Carrot Oil but I haven't used it yet, you could try that
Reply 13
which shops sell it???!! [i am soooo excited for my hols now :P]
Reply 14
In my opinion , when on hols I tend to use that Tan Maximising stuff.

Piz Buin Tan Maxismiser is perfect, it includes a variety of different factors which whilst protecting your skin, also trigger you tanning pigment in your skin to make you tan more:smile: Its about 8 quid in boots i think! works a treat
In my opinion , when on hols I tend to use that Tan Maximising stuff.

Piz Buin Tan Maxismiser is perfect, it includes a variety of different factors which whilst protecting your skin, also trigger you tanning pigment in your skin to make you tan more:smile: Its about 8 quid in boots i think! works a treat

same. :smile: I think (well it was two days ago) half price in tesco. :smile:
Reply 16
Don't use tanning oil I wanted to get a good tan and used this method I have been In agony for days burnt to a crisp and it definitely is not a good look 😰😰😰