The Student Room Group


so i went to the doctors on friday, having been concerned about drinking a lot of squash/water etc, as a result of being very thirsty a lot of the time. he took a urine test for diabetes which he said was fine. however i was diagnosed with urticaria, which has been causing skin rashes for a couple of years.
the thirst is still with me, i've been drinking so much at work that my lower back/kidneys started to hurt. i generally have about 9-15 pint glasses of squash a day i guess. it causes me to go to the toilet a lot, quite quickly after drinking, but i never really wake up at night needing the toilet, though of course im desperate in the morning.
any ideas?
Reply 1
Squash is so bad for you as it is..
Maybe thats why??

Just drink normal water or JUICE