The Student Room Group
Surely there are other days you can meet up. This isn't the end of the world is it.
Reply 2
MAybe he just wasn't in the mood for shopping today. Just forget about it - its really not huge deal. Remember there may be more to the story - maybe his sister needed to eb early or he had some more errands to run.
Just arrange another time when he is free, unfortunatly things do come up sometimes and it is unavoidable.
Things like this crop up all the time. Re-arrange and get over it dear. 20 minutes away equals a 40-minute round trip. And if town isn't *that* close it would have been pointless going in for such a short amount of time.
As I said, leave it.
Reply 5
As Laces said, it's a 40 minute round trip, plus if he's out with you he'll have to make time to get back to his sister before he has to take her to work. If I were you, I'd consider myself lucky that I'd managed to convince a guy to go shopping with me at all. :P
Reply 6
It would piss me off big time if I was the guy and the girl was getting pissed. Best not tell him.
Reply 7
Well I think it totally depends on the situation - how long ago did you make these plans? Are you shopping for anything specific that means you really need your boyfriend with you?
Well I think it totally depends on the situation - how long ago did you make these plans? Are you shopping for anything specific that means you really need your boyfriend with you?

... :s-smilie: Like what? Fitted condoms?
how far away is 'town'?