The Student Room Group

How come guys are more likely to think someone is mental than girls?

For example my friend (female) has anxiety issues and her girl mates (along with me, no im not gay) are always encouraging her to go places when she has panic attacks etc shes really quiet. All the lads seem to think she is weird though Ive heard one of them call her loopy (not in front of her) even when her friends have told them she has panic attacks.

Anyway its not just this, Ive noticed that girls are more willing to go out with an odd/nutty guy yet guys don't seem willing to date odd/weird girls.

Just something Ive noticed
Reply 1
For example my friend (female) has anxiety issues and her girl mates (along with me, no im not gay) are always encouraging her to go places when she has panic attacks etc shes really quiet. All the lads seem to think she is weird though Ive heard one of them call her loopy (not in front of her) even when her friends have told them she has panic attacks.

Anyway its not just this, Ive noticed that girls are more willing to go out with an odd/nutty guy yet guys don't seem willing to date odd/weird girls.

Just something Ive noticed

probably cos us boys are simple minded and rush to conclusions without thinking much, lol. We just go "whats wrong with her - must be crazy" and avoid her without giving it a second thought... i thinks that what we do :smile:
Because [insert ridiculous stereotype here].

Or maybe it's not true.
I never knew we were...
Reply 4
probably cos us boys are simple minded and rush to conclusions without thinking much, lol. We just go "whats wrong with her - must be crazy" and avoid her without giving it a second thought... i thinks that what we do :smile:

Thats what I thought really, I just needed people to confirm this lol
Reply 5
Thats what I thought really, I just needed people to confirm this lol

oh goody:p: glad i could help - i think its just the Y chromosome, lol - i always prejudge and walk away from slightly freakish girls:redface: - just easier to do than to actually think for a moment as to why someone is like that - but i would have thought this would be human nature and true from both the male to female and female to male perspective...hmmmm....debate goes on:rolleyes:
Reply 6
in think in other aspects of life fellas are slightly more intolerant than girls; the ideas of being gay, whats unmanly behaviour ect, maybe it just translates into what they consider to be 'loopy' girls. Most girls i know arent that arsed about kissing other girls for example, theres no biggy surrounding it but for me seeing a dude kiss another dude, pure dodgy, its like in built conservatism lol.
Reply 7
I don't mind an odd/weird girl once in a while. :mb:
I think boys are generally quicker to call someone loopy and crazy than girls, but people are different. Meh. Maybe they judge quicker.

I get called weird by lots of people, even my friends. But hey, it hasn't bothered me yet. But that could possibly explain why I have been single all my life lol.
Reply 9
So OP knows what all 'guys' think...