Anon because i use my username on many forums and i can be traced.
Lately i have been getting upset over stupid things, i have started analyising everything and coming to bad conclusions and its getting me down. And things came to a head today when i faked illness to leave work because i kept bursting into tears at my desk.
I have a lot going on in my life at the moment, im in a temporary job that is socially crippling...i am alone day with no one to talk to, and i hate it, im ususally very outgoing and talkative.
Im about to leave for uni, but i keep thinking i dont wana go im not going to be able to cope, what if i dont make any friends, becuase im the type of person who doesnt seem to be able to make proper real friends, i have no best friend, and a very ropey group i see occasionally i class as my friends. Also i worry that i am not going to do well at Uni, i feel immense pressure to suceed, becuase thats all i have done all my life but i know my course is hard and competitive. And my mum is giving me a hrad time becuase she doesnt want me to go, or she wants to me to stay at home and travel which is out of the question. But the other side of my familyt are pushing me to go and do well, im the 1st in my entire family both sides to go to uni and i dont want to let anyone down. I have a very poor relationship with my other and we dont talk much, in fact we dont hug or anyhting, i dont tell her anything about my lfie i bottle it up because she would either make a big deal about it and tell everyone or just be in a random mood for me..she does that alot
Im also worrying about my relationship constantly i have this big fear my boyfriend doesnt love me and wats to leave me or cheat on me despite the fact he reassures me eevryday how much he loves me and even talks about marriage etc..but i think this stesm from the fact bad past relationships, and there is only 1 couple in my family who are together if you get what i mean. I havent rellay had an example of a stable loving relationship just lying and cheating which makes me have no faith in love, which i know is stupid because my boyfriend is loving and perfect most of the time, but the only problem is i cant talk to him, he hates opening up, and i so emotionless at times it hurts me, our relationship has had many ups and downs, and due to my jealousy he has lost a lot of female friends and the guilt just eats me up. I do try to make an effrot not to be so difficlut but it goes un acknowledged. I know he is getting sick if it now, and i should realise after nearly 3 years its me he wants.
And finally im in court next week for something im not guilty (driving accidnet, long story) of but i have to plead guilty because i cant afford legal representation and i cant get legal aid, plus ive had a lot of hassle for it already including harrassment and i cant cope with much more of it so anything for a quiet life
I just feel like my world is crashing down around me and i have nobody to turn to, im not saying imsuicidal i dont have the guts to that and i coulnt bear the thought of taking the cowards way out, but stupidly i did take paracaetmol ealrier and now am drinking vodka (dumb i know i have been sick now so it wont effect me)
I think i just needed to get all my feelings out before these thoguhts turn to depression. I just really want a fresh start in my life but dont know where to begin. I did truy and talk to my boyfriend about it but he has his own problems atm, and he is going out tonight so dont want to ruin his night out
Sorry for the long post i just didnt know where else to turn