arrrrrrrrgh, i'm not really after specific advice (but all comments are welcome) I just seriously need to type this in an attempt to get this off my chest.
Well, a couple of months ago I briefly started working at a hotel. After a few shifts I got to know this Italian man who was infact due to quit v. soon. I thought he was really fit and said to my mates I didn't see him as bf material (because he was leaving work to travel) I just wanted to shag him LOL
However, we still went on dates/evenings out (plus had sex, alot). When he was due to leave I suddenly realised I had caught feelings and wanted this man. He left for a short while but then returned, we infact spent a week together in London. It was fantastic. Some of his cousins came over from Italy and kept calling me their ''new cousin''.
However, after the week in LDN I returned home and he continued to travel. For 6 weeks we phoned/texted constantly but we both wanted to see each other. So, in early July I booked a flight to Italy and went. I spent 12 days with him and no, it wasn't paradise. I soon found out that he and his friends regularly took drugs and drunk ALOT. The man I found sooooooo ****ing good looking drastically started looking old and just not attractive. He gave so much time to his friends/family. I'm not saying he forgot about me, or didn't care for me (he very much did care and give me attention) but ahhh...can't explain it.
Anyway, I had a fantastic experience and his friends/family were soooo nice and made an effort to speak to me even though they spoke very little English. I'm just soooo torn. I'm sat here NEEDING him but whenever I spoke about him coming back to England he would say ''January is too long to wait, isn't it?'' seriously, I can't have a long distance relationship. January? is that some kind of joke?!!! But then he would say ''you're all mine'' :-S
I can't work it out. I would love to be with this man, even faults and all. I often imagine myself just leaving England to live with him. I just wish he would say ''its over, get on with your life'' so I could. ARGGGH SOMEONE SHOOT ME.