The Student Room Group

how can you overcome fear of rejection?

my fear of rejection is all-consuming and is actually now getting ridiculous. it pretty much affects all areas of my life, but only really bothers me with regards to having no love life whatsoever. it's a horrible catch-22: my low self-esteem means i'm alone but being alone causes my self-esteem to lower even further. it's at the point where it's all i ever think about. i'm actually convinced i will die alone.

i know i don't give off this vulnerable and desperate vibe to the outside world because the few people i have ever spoken about this to have been shocked that i feel this way. but it's just so bloody frustrating not knowing why i am actually so undesirable. :frown:

blah blah blah self-pity.

it's just.....i just feel like a completely socially inept loser.

what to do, what to do?...anyone else feel like this? how do you deal with/resolve it? :dontknow:
Reply 1
you migght feel undesirable but that doesnt mean you are :smile: i bet your not, everyone feels low sometimes just try to lighten up a bit and make some new friends, its hard but it might help :smile:
Reply 2
try not to think about it too much.doubt and misery plays on your mind and in the end you will be in a downward spiral..try and be positive and think of ways to rectify your problem.
with regards to your "problem" just go and and meet new people...if you are too shy to do this, then there isn't really that much you can do, as people arent going to come running to you off their own backs.
Reply 3
try not to think about it too much.doubt and misery plays on your mind and in the end you will be in a downward spiral..try and be positive and think of ways to rectify your problem.
with regards to your "problem" just go and and meet new people...if you are too shy to do this, then there isn't really that much you can do, as people arent going to come running to you off their own backs.

is that last piece aimed at me the problem bit ?
Reply 4
no why?
Reply 5
sorry my mistake i thought that you were hinting at what i said but i was wrong im sorry :smile:
Reply 6
Remember all people get rejected at some point in their life, you just have to learn not to take it too personally :smile: