OK, I met this guy where I work, he doesn't drive so I took him in every day for just over a week and I feel we got quite close.
Today we were told that there isn't any more work for us (we're only temps). So after I drove this guy to the end of his farm track and we sat in my car for a while not saying much, then said that we should keep in contact, he asked if I had his number (which he knew I did) and I made sure he still had mine, I gave him his CD back, he walked away then ran back to the car asking if I wanted petrol money, then said that if I go to uni in London I will have to give him a call and he said something like "I'll see you soon?" and we just sat there looking at each other for a bit.
Now, if he didn't like me would he of acted like that? with the whole numbers thing? and in normal circumstances I would call him, but hes going to china in 10 days for a month ... any advice would be soooooooooooo muchly appreciated I don't know if I should call or when ... or ... what to do