The Student Room Group

Chest infection

Just curious about something. My boyfriend's mum has had the cold for the past week and I have been the only lucky one to actually catch it :rolleyes: Anyways, she went to the doctors today as she is still no better and was told she has a chest infection. Just wondered, since I have caught what she has, will I also have a chest infection or does it take time for that to build up? If the answer is the latter then how can I prevent it becoming a chest infection as I don't want to go back on antibiotics because I'm just off them and it messes up my pill.
I thought he split up with you and was threatening to have you charged? Anyway only way to shift a chest infection is antibiotics, guess you'll have to start learning how to use a condom.
Reply 2
We sorted stuff out but that isn't the issue here.

So I take it that means I automatically get a chest infection from catching the symptoms from her?
Well no, doesn't automatically mean that no, just saying if you do catch a chest infection.
Reply 4
Oh ok. Is there anyway of preventing it then?
Reply 5
Well, just keeping as healthy as you can, essentially. Give your immune system a chance to kick the infection before it tries to get to your chest.