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Is it possible to redo IA? or atleast beg IB to give it less importance...

It so happened that i am on the very first generation of IB in my school. Our teachers are inexperienced, we didn't have proper material till halfway through first year. Nevertheless I did quite well in exams. I scored all 6 on my HL's (Maths, Physics and English B). The thing i'm not satisfied with is that after seeing breakdown it appears that i was EXTREMELY close to all 7's...

Here is my breakdown:

English B:
Internal (oral) Raw - 22 Moderated - 24 (Grade: 6)
P1 - 48 (Grade: 6)
P2 - 30 (Grade: 7)

Mathematics HL:
P1 - 89 (Grade 6)
P2 - 94 (Grade 6)
P3 - 49 (Grade 7)
Portfolio Raw - 39 Moderated - 24 (Grade 5)

Physics HL: (This one is THE most obvious case...)
P1 - 33 (Grade 7)
P2 - 68 (Grade 7)
P3 - 40 (Grade 7)
Practical Work Raw - 43 Moderated - 23 (Grade 4)

This happened to all of my classmates, Internal Assessment was halved, and there is a case there it was downgraded from 32 to 11... I don't see my own fault in this... When I presented my maths portfolio my teacher said it was almost perfect, so I couldn't improve it any further... as it turns out it "almost perfect" equates to measly 5...

It is strange to me that IB didn't care much that IA and exam paper results differ by 3grades...

Long story short, Is it possible to redo portfolio, practical work or oral speeches instead of redoing whole papers?
Getting 38 and 777 from HL can get me to many places where 35 and 666 won't...
Reply 1
no :smile:

from what I know form my IBC you can redo the exam papers and carry forward your IA. If you don't want to carry forward your IA I'm guessing you can redo them. But I'm pretty sure you can't just redo the IA.
Please contact your IBC to make sure though, because what I've just said above is what I know which won;t necessarily be true.
Reply 2
I hate internals :frown:

Especially the lab reports. They can affect you so easily and yet it can be so unfair. In Chemistry, for the whole first year, we've done only 5 lab reports and have only recieved one back. It's madness. Our teacher is so lazy :/

Anyways, if you do a re-take, then you have the oppertunity to re-write and revise your internals. However, if you only want to re-do an IA, you better contact your IBC about it.
We did 1!!!!! Chemistry and Biology Lab report (each) and haven't got ANY of them back in the first year. What the hell?!?!?! That is just ludicrous. If its that important, why aren't the marking it and why aren't we improving it. Ahh this makes me angry :mad: :diep:
The same thing happened to me with Maths HL. My IBC is waiting for the moderator reports to see what happened, however if the departments concerned are unsatisfied with the response then they will ask for the scripts to be sent back to the school, and subsequently appeal the IAs to be remarked.

However this is a MUCH lengthier process than getting simple remarks for external exams and, if you've missed an offer because of this hoo-hah like I have, don't expect it to be resolved by A-level results day! For this process will probably take until September, if not longer!