The Student Room Group

is this normal

im 5'4" and 8st 10lbs.

the other day i went on the scales and i looked and misread the scales as 8st 1lb. I was so happy. But then i realised that it didnt say that and now im a bit dissapointed it actually sed 8 st 10lbs.

at school i was always small and i was very comfortable with my figure. i do have a good figure as i went boxing for a full year i also used to do cross country running, hockey and dancing etc..

well somedays without looking in the mirror i feel slightly larger than i do other days.
when i look in the mirror one morning i will think i look ok but then other times, such as wen i get out of the shower etc, i feel like i need to maybe loose weight, even though realistical on good days - i can see that i dont have to.
im confused

i tried recording what i was eating and started eating less but realised i needed a balanced diet etc..

and also i know i dont have a big ass but sometimes when im walking along i get these thoughts that i have a huge ass etc i no that sounds stupid.

i dont know, are any other girls like this.

i come across really confident to my boyfriend but i do have my insecurities and he doesnt know i feel like this.

is it because since i left school i have stopped excercising making me feel like this? i dont excercise at all now, whatso ever.

Reply 1
Hey, we all feel like this at times. Have you ever gone shopping and picked up (in my case) a pair of size 10 jeans, tried them on and they don't fit? I'm too embarrassed to go and find a size 12 and after that I just want to go home and forget about shopping thus spoiling my whole day.

I know it's pretty irrational but we all have those moments. But then, there are times I look in the mirror and feel really good about myself. That's life, I'm afraid.

After leaving school, like you was a bad time for me too, because I used to run five miles a day, and participate in every sporting activity they threw at me. Now I hardly bother, but I do occasionally still jog, though not as often as I used to. It's a question of keeping smiling and understanding that your body does change, and will change at different times of the month. (us poor girls :wink:)
aww its ok we al have days like that. even super models feel insecure sometimes. everybody has body hangups dont stresss :smile:
Yes,everyone has things they dont like about they're bodies.Our weight fluctuates all the time and we all have days where we look at ourselves and! But as long as you are a healthy size,which you are its all good,man!
Reply 4
i look great in the mirror at my boyfriends.. at home, i just look awful. i think it's something to do with the lighting...
i look great in the mirror at my boyfriends.. at home, i just look awful. i think it's something to do with the lighting...

Yeah, and how much water you have in your body at the time.
You sound like you are at a healthy weight, but obviously there is always going to be times when you don't feel good about yourself.
Yeah, and how much water you have in your body at the time.

Interesting, how does water affect how you look at the time?
Interesting, how does water affect how you look at the time?

Your water affects your weight, so I assume it'd make your stomach look more bloated.
hmm i didnt know that about water x
Reply 10
Yeah, water retention can affect your weight big time. That's why it's best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning... after you've been to the toilet. That way you know how much you weigh on an empty stomach. Our weight goes up and down throughout the day even though we aren't actually putting on any weight (tis the water you see...)
Reply 11
You weigh less than me and I'm 5'3"! :smile: I'm sure you have a great figure, you just need to learn what suits you and get a bit more confidence. The Fitness forum has a lot of great stuff in it if you do want to lose a bit of weight or just get a bit fitter in general.

Your weight fluctuates a few lbs pretty much all the time, depending on what time of day it is, how close to your period you are, etc.

I think most girls are like that to some extent, really. I know sometimes I feel great, sometimes I feel like I'm way too chubby. I'm just too lazy to actually do anything about it...oops.