The Student Room Group


So period is now eight weeks late and I am getting a bit worried. I took a pregnancy test a few days after I was due but it came back negative and I took another one yesterday - again negative. What are the chances that I am actually pregnant with two negative tests? Otherwise what could it be? I'm not particularly stressed and my diet/weight haven't really changed, any help gratefully received. thanks
Get to the doctors - sounds like you're not pregnant but even if you're not then there might be a cause for your lack of period (of course it could be nothing) so go and get checked out!!
Reply 2
Pregnancy tests can show as negative when they are really positive.

However, positive pregnancy tests are NEVER wrong. Take another test in a few days, or go to your doctor.

Could there be any other reasons why your period stopped? Are you underweight?
Have you recently stopped taking the pill? Because I didn't have a period for 6 months when I came off it.
So period is now eight weeks late and I am getting a bit worried. I took a pregnancy test a few days after I was due but it came back negative and I took another one yesterday - again negative. What are the chances that I am actually pregnant with two negative tests? Otherwise what could it be? I'm not particularly stressed and my diet/weight haven't really changed, any help gratefully received. thanks

If you are worried go and see your doctor and get a blood test done.
Reply 4
I'm definitely not underweight thats for sure! I came off the pill a few months ago but my periods returned normally straight afterwards. I have been using condoms since. Why/how would a test show a false negative just out of interest I thought they were meant to be really reliable
Reply 5
They pick up a certain hormone that your body produces when you are pregnant. As everybody is different, people make different amounts of the hormone and sometimes the test just doesn't pick it up. But if the test does pick it up, ie: a positive result, its always accurate as you only make this hormone during pregnancy.

I'd say that the chances of you being pregnant are low, as you have had 2 negative tests, but you still cant rule it out 100%.

You also need to sort this out quite soon, as if you ARE pregnant, the further into the pregnancy you are, the less choices you will have, if you know what I mean.....
Could be the stress causing it to be late, think the more you worry about it then it will make it late. But probably best to see your GP just to be safe.