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shoulder keeps 'popping out'


i've been having shoulder problems for 2 years now. First i dislocated my left shoulder and it healed completely after about 1 year i think. My second accident was about 6 months after my first, when i dislocated my other (right shoulder) and it still hasn't completely healed. Whats worse, when i'm climbing and am doing hard moves my shoulder keeps 'popping out' and when i feel it popping out i come off the wall and it goes back in immediately. The first time i dislocated my right shoulder it was excrusiatingly painful, but ever since, when i get these popping out sensation there is no pain - i just feel slightly uneasy and come off.

What i ask is whether a) this is normal b) is there a cure or will i have a popping out shoulder for life?

i've seen a physio and all and it got a bit better and i stopped the physio but it started popping out a few weeks after i left physio:O

any stories /advice much appreciated:smile:

Reply 1
My right shoulder does this too when I bend my elbow and sorta move my arm hip does it too :s-smilie: I'm not sure if it's normal but at least you're not the only one!
Reply 2
wear a bandage to support it while climbing?

I don't think it's normal, but I think it would heal if you left it alone (i.e. didn't climb) long enough. If it isn't painful though I don't think it's too much of a problem. Actually, you might be setting yourself up for arthritis if you keep messing around with it. Wear a bandage I reckon, if you can find one for your shoulder... I presume they exist.
I get something similar due to old injuries as i never let them heal properly.... i kept training after i injured both shoulders 2 weeks apart, and 6 years on they still feel like they are popping out occasionally. I find if i stop training for 6 weeks they improve, but normally get worse when i start again. Physio helped as it built all the muscles round the joints back up but has not got rid of it completely.

So i think it can be improved by keeping on at the physio exercises, but may never totally go away.

Oh and moral from my story is when the Dr. says take 6 months from martail arts to allow your shoulders to heal.. do it. they dont get better by you ignoring them.
Reply 4
My friend gets this in her hips, so she has to perform some sort of twisty, gyrating dance to pop it back into place.

..I don't know if that makes it more or less weird, to be honest.
I once had my shoulder do that whilst climbing but it went straight back in. Was painful for a few days afterwards though. Was a bugger, as everyone was impressed with the unique way I had attempted to tackle a particular move, and then... "ARGH! ****! Falling!"

I was advised by someone who had dislocated their shoulder properly many years ago that the best way to avoid it would be to build up the muscles so they keep it in all the time! Never got round to doing that, though.
Reply 6
I have a mate who can pop his shoulder in and out at will, very strange,

Me on the other hand... Took a heavy fall on my shoulder and dislocated it, once it happens once its very likely to happen again, and again. I got physio too but by the time i was referred to a physio it was too late, i'd dislocated it again and the damage was done, i had to have surgery in the end.

The physio helps as it builds up the muscles around the joint which then help to hold it in place, if it worked for you, might be an idea to do some of the exercises on your own.

It doesn't sound to me as if your shoulder is fully dislocating, the uneasy feeling is a reaction of the body to try and stop you putting your shoulder in a vulnerable position, most vulnerable is with the arm raised, upper arm extending sideways level with shoulders, forearm pointing upwards at 90 degrees, the kind of position you get to in climbing a lot i imagine.

I'm not a physio or surgeon, but from what i learned with my shoulder, ligaments do not repair themselves, if you cant live with it you have 2 options, do strengthening exercises or have surgery. Obviously exercises is the place to start, unfortunately it didn't work in my case, although if i'd have understood more at the time i'd definitely have worked a lot harder on them.

Surgery sounds pretty drastic, but i knew it was time when it popped out waving at someone! On the plus side, 3 years on my shoulder feels better than it did since dislocating, and i am confident in using it, towards the end i was barely using my left arm because of the fear/uneasy feeling.
Reply 7
my finger did that and turned 90 degrees to the side while i was doing the washing up. went back in on its own though, although it kind of bends slightly wierdly now. :s-smilie:
Reply 8
After 1st shoulder dislocation you are ment to do supervised physio to ensure this does not happen...this is ment to be started when the pain goes away (1-2weeks) for best results. Might be too late, but still go see a doctor. Generally injuries like this are underestimated and even with proper physio it will never the same. Surgery is an option if it is very uncomfortable. Go see a orthopeadist or at least check internet, there are lots of articles.